Happy New Year

Published: December 31, 2013 at 6:45pm

To celebrate, here’s Clinton Paul, who outdoes himself with an anthem for our times: sleeping with the enemy.

25 Comments Comment

  1. anon says:

    Same to you and all your family. Thanks for your brilliant work.

  2. rjc says:

    Best Wishes to you too.

  3. Gahan says:

    Best wishes for the coming year to Daphne and all her readers.

    Thank you for the highly reliable news service you’re providing…for free!

  4. Denis says:

    Thank you, and a very Happy New Year to you too.

  5. Kevin Zammit says:

    Happy new year to you and all readers, may more people read your blog this coming year. It’s never too late to receive some education.

  6. Is this a spoof of something?

    [Daphne – No.]

  7. ciccio says:

    Dear Daphne, thanks for one more year of news, information and entertainment.

    Best wishes for the New Year to you and your family. And to your readers, including of course those who read this website but don’t want to admit it. As a new year’s resolution, I suggest to them to stop living in denial, because even if they don’t admit to clicking on this website, Alexa and the search engines will still count them.

  8. P Bonnici says:

    Happy New Year, Daphne!

    May next year be a better year than last.

  9. Aunt Hetty says:

    Best wishes to the admin of this site and its regular contributers.

  10. Rahal says:

    Thank you and a Happy New Year to you too.

  11. carlos bonavia says:

    May your time be peaceful and safe on your journey to come in this incoming year, wherever you may be travelling to.

    Have a successful and bright one dear Daphne, without whom we are all lost.

    May all your readers prosper in their striving towards fulfilment.

  12. Daffid says:

    Happy New Year Daphne!

  13. Mario says:

    Dear Daphne,

    Happy New Year to you and your family. Thanks for the valuable information you give us on a daily basis. I’m sure the Labour government will give you plenty to write about in 2014. Take care.

  14. Jo Saliba says:

    Thank you Daphne. A Happy New Year to you, your family and “our” blog family.

  15. edgar says:

    Thank you so much for your valuable, reliable and only information available. I wish you most of all good health and lots of happiness and please carry on with your contributions.

    A Happy New year to you and your family.

  16. Victor says:

    Happy New Year, Daphne, and thank you for being the only one who gives us all the information.

    Keep up your excellent work.

  17. bookworm says:

    Wishes are reciprocated. Thank you so much for making us more aware of what’s happening around us.

  18. charles cutajar says:

    Daphne for President….

  19. Spock says:

    Happy new year to you and your loved ones Daphne and please keep up the good work !

  20. xmun says:

    Happy New Year to you and your family

  21. C.G says:

    Happy New Year and best wishes.

    Keep it up. Prosit!

  22. Augustus says:

    Same to you and to all your family.

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