‘How much for a Maltese passport? Eur650,000, please’ – CBC Radio’s The Current

Published: December 26, 2013 at 5:33pm

CBC The Current

The 18th December episode of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s radio show, The Current, was about Malta’s sale of passports scheme.

Its opening line is the now standard mantra that Europe’s economic crisis has left many countries struggling, and that is why Malta is “selling something that most Maltese probably thought couldn’t be sold: their country’s citizenship”.

The show features Edward ‘Skunkluna’ defending the scheme in the European Parliament, and interviews with British shadow minister David Hanson and our very own Owen Bonnici.

You’ll find the audio link below.

I recommend you listen to it, and especially to the interview with Owen Bonnici, who lies barefacedly about the law his government got through parliament, calling it “only framework legislation with no details – the details are to be worked out later – what we did was say that the government has the right to sell citizenship, and now we have to work out the details”.

God, what a government of liars.

That law was and still is complete, with all the details. Had there not been an international outcry, it would have stayed exactly the way it is, complete with secrecy provisions.

9 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    When many of the foreign media were reporting that Malta is going bankrupt, I thought that they were exaggerating. Now I am thinking that they know something that we don’t.

  2. edgar says:

    A cousin of mine who has been living in Canada for a life time told me yesterday that Malta is the talk of the town and for the wrong reasons.

  3. QahbuMalti says:

    We may not be economically bankrupt but it doesn’t stop the MLP from making us morally bankrupt.

  4. Silvio Farrugia says:

    I always thought that practically all politicians lie , but I noticed that our Labour ones are much worse then the ordinary ones.

    Not only that they seem to never learn and also when it is obvious that we will get the truth soon they still go on and lie.

  5. Ernest Meli says:

    “Edward ‘Skunkluna’” LMFAO.

  6. Dave says:

    The regs were published on 23/12/2013.

  7. zunzana says:

    Ma nistax nifhem kif mal-barrannin jitkellmu mod u hawn Malta it-ton ikun totalment differenti. Owen Bonnici qal li Issa il-gvern ser jikkonsidra ir-residenza. Sewwa qal ghax issa obbligaw lill-applikant biex jixtri residenza, (li jista jikri kif u meta irid.) Differenza kbira milli wiehed ikun resident hawn Malta ghal-hames snin. Iridu jitnejku anke bil-gurnalisti barrannin.

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