Isn’t it time we left Maltese liri behind and stop using this fictitious ‘foreign exchange’ rate?

Published: December 31, 2013 at 6:42pm

A traffic sign at Mater Dei Hospital, with a fictitious exchange rate of euros and Maltese liri.

Mater Dei 2013-12-31 13.50.42

4 Comments Comment

  1. Connor Attard says:

    Believe it or not, I know a handful of people who still haven’t got the hang of the Euro, and must convert any value in EUR to LM before they can fully comprehend its value (You can even hear ‘xelin/ħames xelini’ being tossed around in this day and age).

    Most of these are pensioners – and who can blame them? The lack of neuroplasticity presents a monumental challenge in such a volatile world.

    Of course, whether we should be accommodating such individuals is a different matter entirely.

  2. Oops says:

    The upwards arrow at the Drop Off and Pick Up Zone is worrying.

  3. hmm says:

    I thought it was a sign of getting the Maltese ready for switching back to Lira once we get kicked out of the EU. Pity that the rate may be slightly different to this if it happens.

  4. Dick Dastardly says:

    While walking in Bugibbba the other day, I noticed that a Chinese restaurant there still displays their outdoor menu item prices in LM (only). I only looked at the menu after a foreign friend remarked how cheap their food seems to be.

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