It doesn’t sound as though Carol Peralta had sobered up by the start of his press conference

Published: December 21, 2013 at 12:48am

He can’t have been quite sober when he said that the Commission for the Administration of Justice should also investigate the Times of Malta reporter.

He is, for better or worse, a magistrate – so he must know, as even ordinary people like me do, that it is not within the Commission for the Administration of Justice’s remit to investigate journalists. The Commission is there to investigate people like him, and even then it has no jurisdiction over them.

He said he will resign if the Commission finds that he behaved abusively. This shows that he doesn’t think he behaved abusively and that the Commission will feel the same way.

He said that he has been throwing parties in the courtroom for years, including when he was in Kosovo (because, as you know, that’s a really sophisticated democracy).

Times of Malta reports:

When it was pointed out to the magistrate that he was not new to controversy, he said former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami had made up allegations about him and did not have the decency to apologise when the motion was withdrawn. But, he pointed out, one of Dr Fenech Adami’s two lawyers had apologised to him. He refused to name the lawyer.

Fenech Adami had no reason to apologise. The motion was withdrawn not because he or it was wrong, but because the government did not have the support of Sant’s Opposition in impeaching Peralta. Rather than have the impeachment motion defeated, it was not brought to the vote in parliament.

Fenech Adami did not make up the ‘allegations’. They were facts. It is a fact that Peralta was and probably still is a Freemason, and it is a fact that he committed acts of violence against a woman. He probably committed acts of violence against most of the women with whom he was involved, but only one of them reported the matter and gave the full details.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    ‘This’ is Carol Peralta:

    I find the fact that he still hold his position after this absurd judgment more shocking than anything that has happened this week.

  2. WhoamI? says:

    “Rather than have the impeachment motion defeated, it was not brought to the vote in parliament.”

    It only shows that the PN had no foresight in the whole matter. I said it once and I’ll say it again. Bring any motion of confidence or impeachment and let it be defeated. PN would have gone down in history as having attempted to do something about it.

    From where we stand now, you or indeed anyone else could never assume that Sant’s government would have voted against the impeachment motion. We don’t live in two parallel realities – one with and one without impeachment.

    All we have, and this is the only true fact, is that Fenech Adami’s government did not even attempt to impeach Carol Peralta.

    No assumption of what Sant would or could have done will hold water. You may not agree with me, but facts are facts and history cannot be changed.

    Run a Google search on Carol Peralta and you’ll see that Malta Today had reported this (the PN backing down on presenting the motion that is) in 2002.

    Malta Today may be twisted and its agenda shady, but what you find on Google is this. Eleven years on, and you’re making an assumption of what Sant would have done. I don’t think your assumption is anywhere near accurate.

    [Daphne – Actually, it is accurate. And it is not an assumption. It should occur to you that in the same way I know the reasons for the impeachment (not just Freemasonry, but very specific crimes against a woman), I also know what the Opposition’s position was on the matter and that they refused to cooperate. I really don’t know on what basis you are giving Sant the benefit of the doubt. After all, it is a matter of public record that he refused to cooperate in the impeachment of a judge, Antonio Depasquale, who refused to go to work for seven years while not refusing his salary and still expecting to keep his car and chauffeur. Or have you forgotten all about that? Then, too, no impeachment motion was brought before the house. Yes, with hindsight it would have been better for an impeachment motion to be brought against both regardless, but at the time things were seen differently: that it would bolster them and their arrogance to have an impeachment motion brought and defeated.]

    In fact it is simply an assumption, and my definition, assumptions are not accurate, at best they are educated guesses but never fact.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      WhoamI is right on the substance. If the Nationalist Party were to refrain from doing anything where they might fail because of the other’s side’s intransigence, then they’d end up doing absolutely nothing for the next five years. Of course they’ll fail. They haven’t won a single round since March 2013. But what must be done must be done.

  3. Eric Soames says:

    Well, well. I remember being quite critical of a couple of his judgments and pronouncements some time ago on another comments board. Quite a history his Honor has then, and certainly scandalous and inappropriate behavior cannot be tolerated but I don’t understand the fuss about whether he’s a Freemason or not. Not a problem here in the US nor, for some years now, in the UK, where I believe the burden of disclosing one’s membership has been removed.

  4. mm says:

    Didn’t Dr. Franco Debono ask the same commission to investigate one of your articles?

    [Daphne – No, that was the Chamber of Advocates.]

  5. Miserable says:

    This Peralta has a really thick skin! let us all hope that there will be unanimous agreement on his impeachment.

  6. Sparky says:

    On the issue of free masons, it’s high time we’re all made aware of those in authority who are members. Isn’t there a list, somewhere, which needs to be printed on the front page on every newspaper?

  7. Spiru says:

    “As sober as a judge “……

  8. chico says:

    And you don’t know of things he got up to when he was still a lawyer some 30 years ago. This guy should never have been a magistrate whether in Kosovo or anywhere and it is a sad reflection on the judgmental skills of whoever appointed him in the first place

  9. John Higgins says:

    Veru m’ghandux zejt f’wiccu.

  10. It is a pity that the process of impeaching magistrates and judges takes so long, but then that process assumed that persons of honour would step down gracefully when they make asses of themselves.

  11. Aunt Hetty says:

    How could anyone known for having committed acts of violence on a woman allowed to remain a magistrate?
    It is unspeakable!

  12. Victor says:

    Fenech Adami DEFINITELY had no reason to apologise.

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