Make your plans: the king and queen of Castile are greeting the peasants at their hilltop palace, no doubt in the presence of the Infantas
December 20, 2013 at 11:07am
The prime minister’s traditional New Year’s Day exchange of greetings has been transformed into the prime minister-and-his-wife’s New Year’s Eve greetings and Hello magazine tour of their lovely building.
This is because, the prime minister said in a separate news story, he thinks New Year’s Day should be spent ‘with the family’. The real reason, of course, is that he can’t be fagged to wake up early after a big night out, get showered and dressed and haul himself to the office to press the flesh of people he doesn’t care about beyond their vote.
You can’t blame him for that, but privilege comes with obligations and this is one big shirker.
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Oh mela, miskin. Mela m’ghandux familja bhal haddiehor?
Kemm hu dawn-to-errt, Joseph.
Lazy git. What a shameless slacker.
He probably has a flight booked with the family on 1 January. If he spends a few more days per annum away from the islands he might even qualify as a non-resident Prime Minister.
Fine. We’ll give him a Maltese passport then.
And he might lose the right to vote.
What a sad bunch, hosts and visitors, to even consider il-Ktieb tal-Vizitaturi a highlight of the trip. Running the country like a celebrity show.
The public has an open invitation and are welcome to visit between 3:30 and 5:00 all others have to get an appointment on 2200 2400 (maybe they are not so welcome). And what about diplomats and members not defined as NGOs or Social Partner?
Maybe Michelle needs to go to London for the sales.
Ciccio … There may be some tax benefits to reap there too.
Veru kumbinazzjoni rega se jsiefer Joey the GLOBE TROTTER ?
In fact, another example that he is in it for himself and not for Malta.
“This is because, the prime minister said in a separate news story, he thinks New Year’s Day should be spent ‘with the family’”
Say that to doctors, nurses, hospitality professionals, etc, etc. you lazy, insulting, tactless, insensitive bugger.