Malta’s foreign minister notices no trouble in Kiev

Published: December 6, 2013 at 2:54pm

George Vella

George Vella was in Kiev last night, for the same meeting/trip which the German foreign minister used to pointedly snub members of the government and meet members of the Opposition instead.

TVMOne rang him for a phone interview and broadcast excerpts on its 8pm news bulletin yesterday. The foreign minister said:

Il-belt (Kiev) lanqas tinduna…qisu ma gara xejn. Arja ta’ liberazzjoni u l-ebda vjolenza, l-ebda theddid, l-ebda bizgha jew tensjoni.

Sempliciment hemm poplu li qed.. .(slight pause here) hafna zghazagh li qeghdin ovvjament isemmghu lehinhom.

Incredible, really.

It has come to this – in 2013. They will never go away in my lifetime. Just when we think it’s safe to get back into the water, they’re back again to shark the country.

It will take Moses to deliver Malta from beneath the yoke of the Labour Party. Over the last nine months the evidence that they are completely incapable of sorting themselves out has been – to quote that poison dwarf they’ve put in charge of government communications – massive.

Twenty-six years after Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici loses the 1987 general election, 15 years after Sant is booted out of office after just 22 months, and what do they do?

Not only haven’t they sorted themselves out, but they actually come back again with the same individuals, plus a few assorted, random new freaks for good measure.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Numerus says:

    Is this George Vella’s “arja ta liberazzjoni” ?

  2. Thorny2 says:

    Obvious that he saw nothing. His escorts ensured that none of the protests are seen by the general public especially by talented visitors the likes of GW Vella.

  3. Makjavel says:

    Another senile minister who is past his use-by date.

    He cannot even see the Euronews specs or no specs and hearing aid, unless he also forgot his English.

    Who is next?

  4. Jozef says:

    Vella minn dejjem kellu problema biz-zghazagh.

    Imissu jispjegalna ‘jiddisponi minnhom ghal dak li verament huma’

    Li jigi jaqa’ u jqum mill-mandat elettorali konna nafuha.

  5. Melissa says:

    Barometru tal-politika barranija….

  6. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    And what about the daily blood sugar average?

  7. C Falzon says:

    “Malta’s foreign minister notices no trouble in Kiev”

    He should perhaps get himself a new pair of glasses and a hearing aid.

    Or a map, maybe he just thought he was in Kiev.

  8. Dave says:

    You must have meant to type “shaft the country”.

  9. Silvio Farrugia says:

    From ‘Alla hares nidhlu f’Ewropa’ what do you expect?

  10. Riya says:

    An Ukrainiane friend of mine sent me this message.

    ‘It’s not normal when people hate their government. This morning they found a dead man in Maydan Nezalezhnosty’

    But our Foreign Minister says all is normal in Ukraine.

  11. ciccio says:

    From the transcript of his phone call with TVMOne, it sounds like George Vella was being held at gunpoint while he was reading out a statement given to him by the Ukrainian government…

  12. Gaetano Pace says:

    Of all the stooges in world why has it to be him again? When our country WAS BURNING in the flames ingnited by the Labour thugs of his days, he could see no demolished TIMES OF MALTA across the road from Castille.

    He could see though that his clique did persuade Mintoff that his Bastille could be sabotaged as there were underground interconnections between the Times building and Castille. Lord have mercy on us and do deliver us from such impish characters who foment plots underground as they lack the courage to stand up to be counted.

  13. ron says:

    Arja ta’ liberazzjoni… eh veru mela ha jitlaq, ha jirrizenja? Fl-ahhar about time ukoll.

  14. LeliC says:

    “Il-belt (Kiev) lanqas tinduna…qisu ma gara xejn. Arja ta’ liberazzjoni u l-ebda vjolenza, l-ebda theddid, l-ebda bizgha jew tensjoni.” – George Vella on TVM.

    So who is lying, George Vella or Yanukovych who informed the Maltese government that he is cancelling because of the instability in his country?

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