Manuel Mallia’s ‘stupid jury’ logical fallacies: “Of course they have been paid. I have no information that they haven’t been paid.”

Published: December 4, 2013 at 9:55pm

manuel mallia

In The Malta Independent, Monday:

Home Affairs Minister Emmanuel Mallia denied in parliament this evening that the police that were asked to serve as waiters haven’t yet been paid for their service they gave during a dinner held at Girgenti.

Back in June, Police officers doubled as waiters at an official banquet hosted by Home Affairs Minister for European Broadcasting Union delegates at the Prime Minister’s official country residence in Girgenti.

Dr Mallia is also minister responsible for the national broadcasting station.

He was questioned by PN MP Jason Azzopardi this evening whether some 40 policemen who doubled as waiters still haven’t been paid.

Dr Mallia said that he is not informed that they weren’t paid as yet however said that he hoped Dr Azzopardi was not misinformed once again.

Dr Mallia accused Dr Azzopardi of trying to raise sensational questions.

15 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    “Of course Manwel Mallia takes a daily bath with the water from the Main Guard fountain. I have no information that he does not.”

    Is this correct, Dr. Mallia?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      So if I tear up my income tax return form, does that mean the government has no information that I haven’t paid? Does that mean I have paid?

      Manuel, you are a genius.

    • H.Galea (NRK) says:


      The total volume of water required for Dr Mallia’s bath, in a normal bath tub, would be practically minimal, according to Archimede’s principle.

  2. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Can’t these people just prove what they say and leave it at that? Why do they have to just deny without proving anything and then hurl some sort of wild accusation or insult, just to derail the conversation?

  3. unhappy says:

    isn’t double dipping a norm for this guy?

  4. Makjavel says:

    As a criminal lawyer Dr, Mallia will not tell you the truth , but will not tell you a lie which can be proven to be so.

    The answer he and his cronies give follow the above guideline.

    As Muscat said before the election (and still people voted for him): there are times when you have to tell the truth.

  5. krakatoa says:

    With that kind of logic no wonder he’s got €500,000 stashed under his bed.

  6. bahnan says:

    I suggest that every time you put a photo of Leli Mallia you should always use the one where he wears that fetish red suit

  7. Sufa says:

    Of course Manwel Mallia will forever try to cast doubt on Jason Azzopardi. That’s because the latter is far more credible and respectable than he is.

    • We are living in Financial Times says:

      The strategy principle that that falls under is one of perception attack: “Once you call someone an idiot, that person is no longer the same person he once was.”

  8. For a lawyer this type of logic is incredible. My estimation of this person gets lower each time he opens his mouth to say something which he thinks is clever.

  9. observer says:

    Once I have not been informed that Mallia does not wet his bed at night, would I be right in concluding that he actually does that?

    Don’t consider me dumb – I am simply basing my ‘reasoning’ on Mallia’s template.

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