Perhaps the European Commission should open a fresh investigaton: this time into why Dalli gave his controversial approval for genetically modified potatoes

Published: December 15, 2013 at 12:31pm

The EU General Court ruled the day before yesterday to annul John Dalli’s decision, in 2010 when he was European Commissioner for health and consumer policy, to authorise the sale of genetically modified potatoes in Europe.

Those of us who had some experience of the way Dalli operates, because of the way in operated in Malta and Libya and God alone knows where else – given the slowly emerging facts – had said at the time, “Hmmmm. I wonder what he might have got in return for doing that.” And this was way before the snus story broke, in which Dalli was forced to resign on suspicion that he, his henchman or both together were on the take from those who wished to sell snus throughout Europe.

The EU court last Friday found that the European Commission – because when a decision is taken by one Commissioner, it is taken on behalf of the Commission as a whole – “significantly failed to fulfil its procedural obligations”.

John Dalli, while he was EU Commissioner, on holiday in Italy with his henchmen and sidekicks, Iosif Galea and Silvio Zammit tal-Mqaret.

John Dalli, while he was EU Commissioner, on holiday in Italy with his henchmen and sidekicks, Iosif Galea and Silvio Zammit tal-Mqaret.

10 Comments Comment

  1. M. Cassar says:

    Oh, how wonderful that he is now taking decisions which will impinge upon our health! Isn’t that an enviable predicament?

  2. Rover says:

    Maybe that’s what he was doing at Lourdes, graciously praying nothing from this story would come out anytime soon.

  3. ciccio says:

    Issa l-anqas mal-patata ma tista’ tafdah lil J DalliBA?

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Another hot potato

    ‘The surprise approval of Amflora was one of the first decisions taken by the EU’s then-health commissioner, John Dalli, who took office in February 2010.’

    Perhaps he has potato in his blood.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    “This is an embarrassment for Commissioner John Dalli. On coming into office he nailed his name to the GM mast, and approved BASF’s GM potato for commercial growing. Two years later, BASF has pulled the plug and the decline of GMOs continues.”

  6. On 14 April 2010 I expressed my concern about John Dalli’s approval of “Amflora” and published a blog. Visit the link below.

    It is not only the possible dangers of approving “Amflora”, it is the suspicious way in which Dalli approved it without having any experience in such a subject. The implications are that his approval may cause harm to the health and well being of the general public.

    John Dalli is a person who cannot be trusted. I always said so. He is a deceitful, arrogant and incompetent compulsive liar. He should be investigated and held accountable.

  7. verita says:

    I think there must be some genetically modified potatoes on the market because they have a strange appearance and taste.Can anyone assure us please?

  8. J. Borg says:

    This man has no shame. He should grow a beard and disappear somewhere where nobody will ever recognise him. He seems to have the money to do that, since he rents villas in the Bahamas without any intention of living there…

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