Pullicino Orlando/Lara Boffa update

Published: December 21, 2013 at 8:42pm

A member of my international worldwide network of spies saw them together in Taormina last month, but did not understand the significance of this (unlike on the Birgu waterfront, they were not holding hands) until he read this week’s news of the sugar-daddy coupling.

Pullicino Orlando, he tells me, was wearing his fabled orange trousers that day, too.

7 Comments Comment

  1. john says:

    Pullicino Orlando ‘still wants it’ with his orange trousers.

    Looks like he’s getting it an’ all.

  2. Clown says:

    Looks like JPO neesds someone to wash his orange trousers since that is all he has been wearing since his second wife packed and went back to her mummy. She probably even took the washing machine with her.

  3. Grezz says:

    Somebody should have told Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando that the proper time for sowing wild oats is before the age of 25.

  4. edgar says:

    Well now I know why he wears orange trousers. Almost same colour as Chialis and a pair of orange trousers are given free with every 2 packs that you buy

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Not exactly low-viz, is he? The better to attract Cupid’s accurate sniper fire midst life’s jungle.

    I wish all the best to the new couple. I trust they’re in for a fantastic Christmas season and beyond, especially since the boss has moved into the new office at Villa Bighi.

  6. Theo says:

    Jeff, tih ‘rest’ dak il-qalziet.

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