So much for the strongman propaganda and all that chat about the gym: the prime minister walked the fun run with the ladies

Published: December 1, 2013 at 5:02pm

Joseph Muscat

The president, who is a generation older than the prime minister and therefore old enough to be his father, ran the entire distance of this morning’s fun run, while the prime minister walked…with Mrs Abela and some other ladies.

The fun run did not happen in the presence of Mrs Michelle Muscat, because despite buying in a blaze of Facebook publicity (or having given to her) matching his ‘n’ hers Northface outfits for this special occasion, she turned up for the publicity at the finish, with the Infantas of Castille – yes, wearing Northface.

Perhaps she and the prime minister are now sheltering at home – didn’t she tell us, in an interview this morning, that Sunday afternoons are special? – wearing their matching Northface jackets in tribute to the weather.

But the prime minister’s bacon was partially saved. He did not have to endure the terrible humiliation of having the Leader of the Opposition, who goes for a run every day, running athletically alongside the president while he walked slowly and fatly alongside Mrs Abela, who is old enough to be his mother and yet is in far better shape than he is.

That would have been, to quote the Poison Dwarf, a massive PR shot for Simon Busuttil – running in front with the president while Fat Joseph brings up the rear. But he’s not in Malta.

8 Comments Comment

  1. pale blue my foot! says:

    They will be rolling him along at next year`s fun run at this rate. The PM is piling on kilos month after month.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      No North Face jackets next year. Silvio Abela tal-Adventure only needs to stock one Zorb in stock, and we’re sorted.

  2. canon says:

    Probably Joseph Muscat gave up going to the gym.

  3. Gaetano Pace says:

    Apparently this was the only time Mich had her way, having tied his kettle down, Joseph was with her and her ladies in waiting.

  4. ian says:

    Our own Vladimir Putin. Maybe they should organise a PR event were he wrestles a bear.

  5. Timon of Athens says:

    It’s no big deal to run from San Anton to Valletta, one does not have to be an athlete to do it.

    The Prime Minister is a lazy fat fairy to do it at a slow pace with the older ladies. The least he could have done is do a brisk walk alongside the president, after all it seems to have been a really slow jog rather than a run.

  6. hufflepuff says:

    You’ve had him on this one.

    Next year he is going to zipp away on a triathlon bike – fully kitted in lycra.

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