That insidious snake, Evarist Bartolo, must have known about George Farrugia giving the Labour Party a car

Published: December 15, 2013 at 12:39pm

Norman Vella has sent me this for publication here.

Infakkar li l-istorja tal-arloġġ mogħti mill-aħwa Farrugia lill-eks Ministru Tonio Fenech ma kienetx ħarġet minn xi dikjarazzjoni pubblika ta’ George Farrugia, iżda kienet storja li ntqalet f’konferenza stampa indirizzata minn Chris Cardona u Evarist Bartolo.

Dakinhar jien kont staqsejt lil Evarist Bartolo min kien is-sors ta’ din l-istorja, jiġifieri min kien tkellem mal-Partit Laburista u tah din l-informazzjoni. Għamilt din il-mistoqsija għax din l-informazzjoni setgħet ġiet biss mingħand George Farrugia nnifsu, u/jew minn xi ħadd ieħor li hu parti mill-istorja u/jew mill-avukat/i tagħhom u/jew mingħand xi ħadd involut direttament fl-investigazzjonijiet (il-pulizija).

Deherli li kien fl-interess pubbliku nkunu nafu min minn dawn kien qed jgħaddi informazzjoni daqstant sensittiva u kunfidenzjali lill-Partit Laburista. Qed ngħid ‘sensittiva’ u ‘kunfidenzjali’ għax dak iż-żmien Farrugia kien qed jagħti din l-informazzjoni lill-pulizija bħala xhud tal-istat (bil-Maħfra Presidenzjali) biex il-pulizija tkompli l-investigazzjonijiet u tibda tressaq in-nies il-Qorti.

Iżda Evarist Bartolo dakinhar ma weġibnix ta’ politiku. Minflok, qalli li huwa wkoll ġurnalist u qalli li kien se jipproteġi s-sors tiegħu.

Illum li smajna d-dikjarazzjoni sħiħa ta’ George Farrugia, inżid mistoqsija lill-Ministru Bartolo: Dan is-‘sors’ kien infurmah biss bir-rigal (l-arloġġ) li ingħata lil Tonio Fenech jew kien qallu wkoll bil-karozza li l-istess aħwa Farrugia kienu taw lill-Partit Laburista? Min kien li ħeba din l-informazzjoni lill-poplu Malti: il-Ministru Bartolo jew is-sors tiegħu?

23 Comments Comment

  1. krakatoa says:

    Your move, Varist.

  2. canon says:

    And what about Manuel Mallia. I think he knew about the car as well.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    One can’t expect an informant to have all the information in the world. It was for Bartolo to check his facts before blabbing just in case his party was also involved in bribery. That would have spared him and his party from looking like real dolts.

  4. ciccio says:

    X’jigdbu u jaghmlu l-U turns tal-Lejber.

    1. First, Dr. Toni Abela, Deputy Leader, and the officials of the Labour Party at the time of the alleged donation denied that Labour was donated a car.

    “Abela also denied having any knowledge of the gift of a Daewoo motor vehicle to the Labour Party from John’s Garage, the family business of oil trader George Farrugia, as claimed by the latter in an inquiry on oil procurement to the publica accounts committee. Farrugia turned state’s evidence after being granted a presidential pardon, when MaltaToday revealed back in January 2013 that one of the companies he represented – Dutch commodities giant Trafigura – was paying an Enemalta consultant a “commission” on the supply of oil to Enemalta. The resulting criminal investigation revealed a network of bribery reaching up right to the top echelons of Enemalta management.

    “In response to the allegations, I have asked people who at the time were members of the Labour Party, who have all said that they do not recall the awarding of any car. Moreover, these people can neither recall the sale of a Daewoo,” Abela said.

    2. Then, the former Secretary General Jimmy Magro admits that Labour was donated a car.

    He just couldn’t remember which legal entity donated the car to the party: whether it was John’s Garage or any of its affiliated companies. This by itself is not an important fact. The main detail is that a car was donated to the party by John’s Garage or any of its affiliated companies.

    3. Now they are saying that the PL bought the car because it was part of a barter agreement.

    Even here, the devil is in the detail. But we deserve to know the truth.

    The PAC should summon as witnesses those involved in the deal of that car – including Manwel Cuschieri and Jimmy Magro of the Labour Party – and ask for the publication of all documents and records held by the PL to show exactly how One Productions “bought” the car and to substantiate their barter claim.

  5. Alex says:

    I suspected another insidious snake as soon as I saw who is Farrugia’s legal representative.

  6. Jozef says:

    ‘Barter agreement’, and what did George Farrugia get from the PL then?

    So he’s not saying the truth, perhaps the PL would like to appear before the PAC.

    And will someone please explain what Simon Busuttil is supposed to do by their ‘shouldering political responsibility’, resign from the cash-for-citizenship monitoring board?

    • vic says:

      “barter agreement”: it’s been going on for months. Give us your support and/or your money and we’ll pay you back in kind once we are in government.

  7. Jozef says:

    ‘…Up till now gay couples can adopt unofficially and this leads to a lack of protection of children. I am aware of at least three cases were ‘normal’ couples separated with one of the partners entering a gay relationship. “Should we take their children away?…’

    It’s THEIR offspring you dork.

  8. CIS says:

    PL are now saying it was a barter and paid for. Who are we going to believe?

  9. Gaetano Pace says:

    So the Labour Party still believes in barter schemes.

  10. Manuel says:

    Compulsive liars, the lot of them, like their own mexxej tal-partit.

  11. zunzana says:

    Barter agreement. Barter for which favour?

  12. charlie says:

    Fil-Kullhadd illum qalu li din il-karrozza nghatat bhala barter f’riklami. Allura nghid jien ghaliex fil-kuntratt li ppubblikaw qatghu l-informazzjoni dwar bejn min sar il-cash agreement? Jaqaw dan il-kuntratt huwa fazul?

  13. Gladio says:

    Barter is defined as: to trade by exchange of commodities rather by the use of money. Labour in stating that it bought the car as as part of a barter agreement is contradicting itself as in a barter agreement no money is involved.

  14. Gaetano Pace says:

    At next year`s Republic Day marathon on Snooper One, the public making a donation, will be asked to air their version of how the Daewoo car was passed on to Labour and how did Labour dispose of it. In twelve month`s time their public will be answering dryly “Heq barter u lotterija hux. Heq.” Anything else said will be superfluous and attributed to the previous administration.

  15. Rahal says:

    Maria l-Maws – nofsu bniedem u nofsu gurdien.

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