That’s what happens when your biggest supporters are Malta’s stingiest people and others who think they’re owed a living
A bidding war was expected at auction this morning for a 1962 Mercedes which Dom Mintoff was owned. But instead of a bidding war pushing the starting price of Eur20,000 up to stratospheric levels, there wasn’t a single bid.
As the Poison Dwarf of Castile Communications would says, MASSIVE.
Then some doctor popped round in the afternoon and bought the old jalopy (no, not that one – he died in August last year) for the reserve price.
Well, what can I say? That’s what happens when that rancid dead Scrooge’s biggest fans are also Malta’s biggest scrooges like him, whether they’re rich or not. And when the rest of them are a shoal of bums who he himself trained to think that dependency on social services is the way to go. And just like him, too, they’re not remotely sentimental and boil everything down to hard cash: the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Ghoxrin elf ewro ghal bicca karozza qadima? Le, hija, akspansif wisq. Ghal dak il-prezz nixtri wahda gdida.
The fact that their dessicated dwarf hero once owned it is immaterial. These are people with no higher sentiments. It means nothing.
And it’s fascinating, isn’t it, that Twanny Bronka, Labour minister for Gozo, was more than happy to spend Eur25,000 to buy George Borg Olivier’s desk, but couldn’t be fagged to spend Eur20,000 buying Mintoff’s car.
Maybe he bought Borg Olivier’s desk because it’s a bicca antikita and he collects antique furniture, and he does not collect old cars and the ownership of neither had anything to do with it.
Or maybe he didn’t want another fortnight of headlines about how he spent the equivalent of his total declared annual income on a piece of junk once owned by a piece of dead trash.
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Seems his daughters do not think he was that great either, because they didn’t bother buying it themselves even though they’re rolling.
Maybe this time Twanny Brokka did appreciate correctly the value of the George Borg Olivier desk and the cost of the Dom Mintoff Mercedes.
Comparisons are odious. But fun.
I also wondered about Twanny Bronka’s failure to snap up such a bargain.
I wish I had the money to buy it, crap in it and burn it.
Vintage car buyers are only interested in the condition of the car and whether everything, or nearly everything is original. They don’t give a hoot who their previous owners were.
Apart from what Daphne is saying up here, this car seems to have been in the hands of an enthusiast. I wonder if any parts have been replaced and whether, eventually, these have been replaced with originals (if not, the car is worthless).
“dependency on social services is the way to go”
I don’t know how many Maltese live on social benefits, but one must always be careful not to stigmatize those who are one some kind of benefits because of illness or some misfortune. And by misfortune I don’t mean girls who go round the block having kids, or bums and junkies who choose to be idle.
And how many non-preventable illnesses are there? Very few. Or to put it in a rather more Christmassy way, there are thousands of decent citizens who value their dignity more than their wallet and who go through life paying for medical care through their own funds, while the bums, the junkies, the lardies, the slags, the scoundrels, the criminals and the scroungers get all the benefits.
Economic liberalism my tinselled arse. Twenty five years of PN, and Mintoffianism is as strong as ever. The previous lot just called it “ruh socjali”.
Meanwhile, the squeezed middle gets squeezed a bit more.
Ms Caruana Galizia – Either as you have stated, or else they must loathe his memory even more than I do.
Dom Mintoff is still impressive in Malta irrespective of his auctioned car. How come that the Malta Independent, which includes regularly your weekly contributions Daphne dear, next Friday 13/12/2013 will be issuing a collection of the articles
the impressive Dom Mintoff used to contribute in the Malta Independent well before your contributions appeared
in this newspaper?
[Daphne – No, not at all. So much so that I was the one whose responsibility it was to collect his articles – from Helena Dalli in Gudja or wherever – and edit them, a task that was next to impossible because they were so very badly written, boring, meandering and pointless. This was in 1992, when I was the newspaper’s associate editor. Dom Mintoff couldn’t write to save his life, and his thought processes were barely coherent.]
Why not exhume his corpse and have what remains of it stuffed while we’re at it? The man’s dead, and not a moment too soon, and here we are still finding ways to keep him alive among us. I knew the Maltese were extreme masochists, but this just beats me. This is self-inflicted haunting.
Try telling that to his dear starstruck brother who went all over the news at the time of Mintoff’s death, boasting about hiw well the great Dom could write in English.
I would not take that car even if it was offered to me for free; it is definitely haunted.
A monument to commemorate Dom Mintoff is being erected at the corner of the house where he used to live in Tarxien. The work being carried out is illegal as no Mepa permit has been put up as required by law.
Don’t know if that’s the first time it’s been written like that, but that is hilarious.