Two videos that perfectly encapsulate the difference between the two political parties

Published: December 13, 2013 at 11:32am

Ask me again why I don’t vote Labour. On second thoughts, don’t bother. I think the past 10 months have served as an object lesson, to many people, in the lack of wisdom of voting for tinsel-trash.

25 Comments Comment

  1. dorian says:

    One is a bimbo, the other has brains.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    The difference between solid concrete material and thin air.

  3. winston psaila says:

    Thank you for the very good videos. No videos are really necessary; the difference is encapsulated when one looks at Lawrence Gonzi versus Joseph Muscat, Eddie Fenech Adami versus the Three Wise Men of Labour i.e. Alfred Sant, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Dom Mintoff.

    From there you can carry on going down the line to the most humble of grass roots.

  4. pablo says:

    A great post, possibly the best ever. The glaring difference between a woman of accomplishment, who knows her business and shows it and on the other hand, an aging glamour girl buying votes with glitz and buzzwords.

    And you can be sure, people will still vote for the cutie. It’s going to take years of economic hardship and Labour mismanagement before we can see start to see straight again.

    • albona says:

      People will still not be seeing straight when they finally vote PN again. They will vote PN again not because they have become aware of the lies of the PL but because they have no euros in their pockets to buy tacky Adidas and Najk xellsjuts anymore.

  5. P Shaw says:

    One is perfect to represent the economy of Malta, while the other lady’s capabilities are limited to the sale of passports for cash.

  6. ciccio says:

    The truth is that Miriam Dalli has a higher chance of being elected as an MEP.

    First of all, she comes from a Super One background. One third of Maltese households watch Super One every day, so she is an integral part of those households. She lives in their living rooms and their kitchens. Yes, even in their bedrooms.

    Super One is practically a guarantee of political success in Malta.

    Secondly, it is the mindset of Maltese voters. They hate to see someone with more intelligence, honesty and integrity than themselves in the leadership. It is an innate envy, especially dominant and prominent among socialist voters. So they put in power someone who is average, and who therefore represents mediocrity.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      No, the Maltese want household names.

      Why do you think Xarabank has been the trampoline to success for so many loud-mouthed cretins?

      • Pablo says:

        Xarabank’s success is in having created thrash celebrities for a trash market.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Notice how the audience was applauding the usual Maltese-Gonzian cues (l-MCAST=clap clap). Notice too the clapping every minute or so, and the cutting to close-ups of various audience members caught unawares. All very Xarabank. This is what Malta has become.

  7. Spam says:

    L-importanti li nilbsu s-salib.

  8. Libertas says:

    Miriam Dalli’s values include loyalty – to her No vote to Europe, one presumes.

  9. vittorio says:

    Sabet l-omma ma’ iben il-Guy din l-erba piedi. 42,000 euros as salary for what?

  10. Galahan II says:

    Thanks for making me think about this.

    Although I will admit to having (mainly) voted Labour – and I say mainly because I believe in cross-party voting for the best and brightest candidates, rather than pick what others place before me as a choice – this does not mean, by any stretch of the imagination, that I will do so again next time round.

    As far as I am concerned, Labour is in the Dock and being judged on overall performance and individual actions each and every day.

    Let no one be lulled by the illusion that all the people can be fooled all of the time.

  11. Gaetano Pace says:

    Helga Ellul speaks so confidently and persuasively from ages of experience. Miriam Dalli reads a rehearsed, prepared speech.

    After all the only exposure Miriam Dalli has had to public life was that of being a newscaster on their Super One. I must admit comparisons are odious but they are also eye openers.

  12. Wonderland says:

    A clear difference between the macro view vs the ‘Jien’ syndrome.

  13. edward seychell says:

    We were reaching European standarts but now back to a third world country.

  14. Niku says:

    Hallina, Miriam. Flus qed tara, mhux lealta lejn il-pajjiż tiegħek

  15. cikkuujien says:

    I have to be honest however, PL’s marketing techniques are top notch, considering the bs they’re ‘selling’…

  16. joseph muscat says:

    Daphne, kif tista Helga Ellul tippretendi li tirrapprezenta lil Malta, meta ila hawn 40 sena u l-anqas taf titkellem bil-Malti?

    [Daphne – Mrs Ellul speaks one of Malta’s two official languages much better than 95% of Maltese people do, and that is quite sufficient. I can’t imagine why you are surprised that she can’t speak Maltese, when you live surrounded by people who can’t speak Maltese when it is the only language they can supposedly speak.]

    • joseph muscat says:

      Daphne, xorta din ma’ ghandiex tithalla tikkontesta ghax ma’ tafx titkellem bil-Malti. Din ghandha tikkontesta f’pajjizha, u mhux hawn. Dan l-imbarazz ma’ rriduhx.

      [Daphne – Rubbish. Speaking Maltese is no qualification for the European Parliament. Just look at Joseph Cuschieri, who speaks only that language. Helga Ellul is a Maltese citizen and Malta is her home of choice.]

  17. Silvio farrugia says:

    The 41 thousand a year consultant for power and water…..I wonder if she wears boots while she gives consultancy

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