Where are we LIVING?
December 2, 2013 at 7:20pm
I have just tuned in to TVM to find the independent, agenda-free Saviour Balzan interviewing his idol and former ‘ziemel’ in the PN leadership race, John Dalli.
A self-described ‘no fear or favour’ corruption-fighter, interviewing a crook who is still under investigation by the European Commission, this time for his Bahamas trip.
And what is he asking him about? Medicines. The hospital reform. His hospital report.
X’pajjiz tac-cajt.
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In the next CHOGM host country, where else ?
Dak mhu xejn, Daphne. Meta sar il-kuntatt ma’ Miriam Dalli (dik li tahdem ma’ Malta Today u mhux dik li issa hija konsulenta ma’ Konrad Mizzi) gol-parlament, din qalet li l-Prim MInistru ser jaghti Gieh ir-Repubblika lil Gaia Cauchi u lit-tim taghha talli rebhulna l-Junior Eurovision Song Contest.
Mela ma hemmx kumitat biex dawn jintazlu?
Ser ikompli jfattar wahdu?
He should be the one standing trial to clear his name and protect his reputation. Instead, there he goes, acting like the judge, jury and prosecution.
A good interviewer will grill his subject on stuff he’s is not doing well at rather than what he is very good at doing. So in my opinion he gets full marks for that.
A good interviewer grills his subject on what’s relevant. Dalli’s appointment as consultant-without-parameters while under investigation alleged corruption is a story in itself.
We need a “Hard Talk” interviewer? Maybe the BBC could loan us one.
Another way to distract the crowd…..
Rather than just distract the crowd, I’d say it also serves as an attention-seeking exercise my Joseph Muscat. What’s ‘trending’ right now? Gaia and her team’s victory. Ergo, that’s what Joseph needs to associate himself with to gain popularity points.
I tuned in and saw the word Unjin and just tuned out. Should that not be written as Junjin?
What a disaster this language is turning into, not even an English language paper can reproduce an English word in Maltese with the correct phonetics.
Xibka ta’ nies mill-aghar u bla morali li hadu l-pajjiz f’idejhom f’Marzu li ghadda u li qeghdin johonquna ftit ftit.
Il-PBS saret strument tal-Partit Laburista u ma jitilfux okkazjoni wahda biex dak kollu li jaghmel dan il-gvern jpinguh b’mod tajjeb waqt li jitfghu dell ikrah fuq dak kollu li sar qabel Marzu.
Saviour Balzan ghandu agenda mhux tant mohbija, u gab lil John Dalli biex jtih ic-cans jilqa l-kritika li qalgha fuq ir-rapport dwar Mater Dei.
Xi jghid Franco Debono fuq il-klikkek li nholqu issa, jew issa ma ghadhomx ‘skandaluzi’ kif kien jghid meta ried jaghti gambetti lil Gonzi?
It all depends on one’s point of view. If one is on the outside looking in then cliques are seen everywhere. However, if one is on the inside looking out the cliques disappear.
John Dalli concluded by saying that he is still a European Commissioner even though he was very unceremoniously sacked.
He said that he requested the European Commission to allow him to carry out the Mater Dei Hospital assignment because he is still a commissioner and therefore, needs permission to carry out any such work.
What utter bollocks.
Is this the same man who not only concealed but lied to the same commission about his Bahamas trips? The brass neck on this man is incredible.
[Daphne – You miss the point. That’s not brass neck but psychotic delusion. One must, at this stage, wonder about his mental health.]
My point was that now that he is no longer Commissioner, he publicly states that he would not accept any appointment without the express permission of the Commission. Yet, when he was Commissioner, he did just that and failed to inform the same Commission of his suppossed ‘charity’ related trips to the Bahamas. It is only now that he pretends to be a stickler to the strait and narrow.
Let’s make no mistake about it, Dalli is no better than a common and greedy albeit cunning politician who made it to the top. Crediting him with instability, delusions and disorders would only serve to validate his previous ‘medical certificates’ thus leaving room for maneuvering Dalli out of Corradino and into Mount Carmel if ever justice was to be served. Of course pigs might fly first.
He should now make a report on Mount Carmel, he’l fit in there nicely.
Did I catch that part right, where he declared that he is still the EU Commissioner?
Yes, he said that he is still the EU Commissioner. I couldn’t believe my ears.
If he is still EU Commissioner, why is he getting involved in political controversy with the Leader of the Opposition? Surely reason for dismissal from the Commission?
And what, exactly, is Tonio Borg doing in Brussels?
Dalli thinks he can be in two places at the same time. Bilocation for the saint.
Whoever came out with ‘J Dal liBA’ deserves the Gieh Ir-Repubblika.
It gets worse: Toni Abela was reading out a story (thankfully in Maltese) to a bunch of children.
DalliBA has turned Dallusional…
John Dalli, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Jesmond Mugliett huma prova ħajja ta’ kif jirraġuna l-Partit Laburista: sakemm tkun kontra tagħna tkun l-iktar bniedem korrott u maħmuġ f’wiċċ id-dinja u nagħmlu minn kollox biex inkissruk b’diskorsi, artikli, fuq it-televixin, fuq ir-radju, nippubblikaw xi ktieb u mitt ħaġ’oħra; imbagħad malli tibda tinnamra magħna ssir anġlu miexi fl-art u nibdew nistednuk fuq il-ONE, inpoġġuk fuq xi Bord jew tnejn, nagħmluk Chairman x’imkien, nafdawlek xi rapport u mitt ħaġ’oħra. Dik konsistenza!
@ Norman Vella,
You may possibly know that Albert Einstein is reported to have said following:
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
Much earlier than Einstein, a man deemed to have been wise, Confucius, apparently murmured following sometime:
“A man who lacks reliability is utterly useless”
“There is one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one’s life – reciprocity”
“As the water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it, so a wise man adapts himself to circumstances”.
One might now wish to debate and to discuss what “wise” might be!