A set-up to rival Saviour Balzan’s toaster: Smash TV puts its guests in an aquarium

Published: January 1, 2014 at 10:40pm

Here’s Alfred Sant – the perfect cold fish for a fish tank. But really, what were they thinking?

Alfred Sant aquarium

This was the toaster in question.

This was the toaster in question.

13 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    His legs are encased in ice. Friza, as it were.

    • ciccio says:

      If the questions were about the EU, then it is perfectly understandable. Without that aquarium, Dr. Sant would feel like a fish out of water.

  2. P Sant says:

    Nothing beats Salvu’s toaster though.

  3. back to the 80s says:

    Well let us hope that the majority of the Maltese electorate in March 2014 has a better memory than that of a goldfish and does not make a farce of the European Parliament elections.

  4. Makjavel says:

    In memory of the freezing of Malta’s application to join the EU.

  5. Joseph Caruana says:

    Both with blue backdrops though.

  6. Crockett says:

    Joseph Muscat’s and Toni Abela’s infamous ‘blokka silg’ has finally turned up.

  7. ciccio says:

    Alfred Sant must have insisted too much on “transparency.”

  8. Carmel Grima says:

    Nistaqsi lil Alfred Sant: qatt xi darba prim ministru wasal biex seraq inkjesta fuq krimini hekk fahxi bhal frame-up biex jidher sabih ma politici korrotti u jahbilhom dnubhom?

    Fil-1996, qrajt il-mistoqsija parlamentari 14066 sed 225- ta’ Dr. A. Gatt li Dr. A. Sant hareg bil-mohbi l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzopardi (dak li investiga l-frame-up ta’ missieri, Karm Grima, u li kien ghamel Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami imma hbija fl-istrong room tal-parlament ghax kixfet kull min kien imdahhal fih); harigha minn tlitt postijiet differenti u fl-istess hin jew ahjar seraqha biex jintesa kollox.

    Mela fil-2008, qabel l-elezzjoni, tlabtu biex jekk hu missier serju jibghatli din l-inkjesta biex jien ikolli d-dmir innaddaf isem il-familja tieghi li hamguha bil-qerq l-MLP.

    Irrispondieni, u ghad ghandi din l-ittra, li hu la qatt ra, la qatt kellu access ghal din l-inkjesta u li qed nghid jien huma kollha allegazzjonijiet u kemm kemm ma riedx jaghmilli libel.

    Jien cempilt l-iskrivan tal-kamra tad-deputati u tlabtu jibghatli id-dibattitu kollu fuq din l-inkjesta u dan bghattu lil Sant, u ghidtlu li ma nafx kif jista’ hu jirrikoncilja il-gideb li kitibli mal-verita’.

    Ma irrispondinix iktar. Dan se jirrapprezenta lic-cittadini Maltin fl-Ewropa?

  9. Wot the Hack says:

    Maybe Alfred Sant is making the subtle point that he is a political product of the Age of Aquarius?

    Voters for the European Parliament must check his “best before” date. Politically, he has long expired.

  10. ken il malti says:

    That whole scene of the two photos brings thoughts of tuna on toast for some reason.

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