Another top comment

Published: January 19, 2014 at 4:44pm

Posted by MS right now:

Labour is a fundamentalist party that uses the tools of democracy in order to get elected and then discards them once it gains power.

I pity those who think they’re exempt from retribution because it’s ‘their’ government.

In an undemocratic state even an honest mistake can and will be interpreted as an act of treason regardless of how loyal you claim to be.

In a democracy, when the voice of dissent is loud enough, the government rethinks and backtracks.

In Malta, the Opposition, the people and even the European Parliament condemned the sale of EU citizenship, but the prime minister didn’t even flinch. He’s not there to govern Malta responsibly for the benefit of its people. He’s there purely to impose his will on others in some kind of sick power-game.

And then they had the brass neck to call Gonzi a dictator. Where are all those who booed the former prime minister and called him ‘dictator’? Hiding beneath their sofas as they observe the results of their insane stupidity?

9 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Some of them have discovered their stipends reduced this month.

  2. SM says:

    There is a pattern to the madness. They do exactly what they accuse others of doing.

  3. bob-a-job says:

    The backstabbing of Anġlu Farrugia should have been an eyeopener as to the coarse character of who is now Prime Minister.

    • Cikku says:

      Ezattment. Possibbli kellhom tant ghamad fuq ghajnejhom li lanqas indunaw b’sinjal vizibbli bhal dan? Hasra kbira ghalina lkoll li rridu nitqannew b’dan il-gvern tal-habba gozz.

  4. Sparky says:

    Well, not *every* person condemned the sale of EU citizenship (because this is what it boils down to).

    I’ve lost count on how many times I had to explain matters to a few colleagues of the thick-as-a-plank kind.

    What strikes me is some of them have diplomas and first and second degrees, and yet years of indoctrination by Labour-leaning family members has made them devoid of rational thinking.

    I wonder whether this casts a huge shadow of doubt on our educational system.

    [Daphne – It’s partly the education system, but mainly the problem is a genetic one of a low-to-average IQ. It’s astonishing how easily we overlook the fact that intelligence is genetic. People tend to marry their intellectual equals as a general rule, so low IQs, like high IQs, reproduce themselves interminably and the problem is self-perpetuating.]

    • Sparky says:

      I suspect it is less of an IQ issue, and more related to an inherent unwillingness to think outside the box, enquire and most of all refrain from being gullible – an unwillingness brought on by fear of going against what the family dictates.

      It’s surprising how brilliant some are academically, of sound logical awareness, but give in to parroting when challenged. The classic line when they’re cornered is ‘next time round I’ll vote for the greens or won’t turn up at the polling station’ indicating that any further attempt to drum in some sense is a futile exercise.

  5. Connor Attard says:

    More worrying still is the fact that the Labour Party core voters lap up every single scrap of misinformation and blatant falsehood their overlords toss them.

    If anyone come can up with a scientific explanation of how the Labour mind comes into existence and remains mired in ignorance throughout most of its lifetime, then please step forward.

    Just a few minutes ago I was rendered comatose after hearing what the Prime Minister had to say to the crowd at Fgura this morning. He had the unbelievable audacity to claim that most of their Socialist buddies in the EP voted against the resolution. And guess what? The crowd cheered on in jubilant applause.

    Haven’t they read the facts or what?

    To me, it’s quite evident that your average Labour voter draws information from one source only, their own party’s news platforms: Super One, L-Orizzont, It-Torca and more recently, the equally repulsive iNews. Is this conducive to a healthy democracy?

    • Victor says:

      It isn’t only evident to you, but to all those with some brain cells.

      Joseph Muscat feeds on this in order to gain himself points.

      Poor, poor Malta.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I think I can answer MS’s final question.

    They are not hiding under the sofa, but reclining in their giant, plushly upholstered, real leather swivelling executive chairs, indolently gazing out of their massive office windows. Perhaps taking in a magnificent view of Grand Harbour.

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