Carry On Up The Law Commissioner: another power lunch (or power tuna toast) for Franco Debono
Two of my most passionate male enemies were seen at table together at Charles Grech at 1.30pm today: Saviour Balzan, who owns 50 per cent of Malta Today and controls its content, and Franco Debono, the Law Commissioner who in almost a year has produced nothing to justify the remit of his public office or his state-paid salary and state-funded chauffeur-driven car.
Has he made any recommendations on law reform, held meetings, written reports? And if so, where is the evidence? He’s always either in his bird cages, or in Republic Street or defending some common thief in the law courts or some uncommon thief before the Public Accounts Committee.
I wonder what those two are plotting between them.
Jahasra mank ikolli xi wiehed sabih u normali jiffissa fija: dejjem xi wiehed ikrah u/jew nevrasteniku u/jew mignun. Jeffrey kien jonqos maghhom.
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This calls for another dialogue sketch by H.P. Baxxter.
I think the meal was eaten in total silence. They cancel each other out.
Anything to do with the ongoings of the Public Accounts Committee where Mr George Farrugia is involved? And assisted by his lawyers.
Let’s not forget that Saviour Balzan is the media source who was privileged with this scoop.
Planning another cock up?
Igri jaslu erba snin ohra… Certu nies jinhbew.
Is-serduk u sorm it-tigiega.
Obviously briefing / spinning in time for the Wednesday edition?
SB: “L-ewwel qadt tilghaqilhhom sormhomn, issa la jduru kontrik u jaghtuk wiehed daqshekk go sormok, imbghad tkessah”
FD: “Ara x’int tghid! Ma tafx li mindu dahhalt id-demokrazija u c-civilita f’dan il-pajjiz dawn l-affarijiet m’ghadhomx isiru?”
This evening, Saviour Balzan had on his show, Reporter, Evarist Bartolo, education minister, and Joe Cassar, shadow minister for education, who were discussing co-ed in state schools.
Mr. Balzan puts a question to Minister Bartolo and then folds his arms and listens patiently whilst the minister expounds.
Then he asks another question to the opposition representative and when he sees that the reply is not to his liking, and this happens during all his programmes, he interrupts with another question and cuts him short.
Mr. Balzan, if you think that what’s happening during your programme goes by unnoticed, you are hugely mistaken. Grow up, man.
If you must be biased, try to be more subtle like Reno Bugeja at TVM. At least he tries very hard to look impartial. Not that he succeeds, but he does try.