Did I mishear, or is Justyne ‘National Interest’ Caruana saying here that she almost wet herself in fear in that bozza tal-plastik?

Published: January 28, 2014 at 2:13am

Look, I really am sorry to inflict this on you again, but would you all be so kind as to listen to it once more and tell me what that reference to “tahti” is?

I missed it the first time round, but then a friend emailed to ask whether Mrs Caruana is really saying there that she (nearly) wet herself with fright, and so I went back to it and thought, oh dear God.

I have listened to it several times and the only rational conclusion I can draw is that the programme editor cut the word “pixxejt” or its equivalent, in the interest of public decency and RTK’s standards.

That report on the Middle East must have been amazing. The inside of the next helicopter Mrs Caruana sees is bound to contain Tony Blair.

38 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    If that is the case, it was a disaster because she also said ‘tlaqt b’ta’ fuqi senduqi’.



    Also on the Malta Independent we have a corrected version. It’s an e-ticket now.

    Dr Caruana said that such trips abroad are often done to the detriment of a backbench MP’s working life. The exact travel arrangements are sorted out by Parliamentary staff, and in this case, she only had two hours between the e-ticket for her trip being issued, and the flight departing.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Yep. The sound’s been cut and spliced back together at 0:17, with a bit removed. You can even see it on the waveform. And the only sequence of sounds that makes “—jt tahti” is “pixxejt tahti”.

    Such grace and deportment.

  3. Mark Vassallo says:

    I’m sorry, Daphne, but there is a limit as to what I will do for you.

    The thought of clicking on that icon to bring on the voice of that harridan is too much for me, especially so early in the morning.

  4. Yanika says:

    What is the word she says, immediately before ‘tahti’?

  5. fommha bil-ghasel says:

    To urinate – biel
    Noun – bewla
    Present simple tense – jiena nbul
    Past tense – jiena bilt
    “Kien gost u pjacir tieghi naqbad u nitlaq? Jien bilt (bilt) tahti…”

    Taqbad u titlaq? Why is she implying that she was yanked out of her house unexpectedly?

    Didn’t she know she was due somewhere else? Or had it slipped her mind?

    Also, “Taf x’helicopter baghtuli? Bicca tal-plastik.”

    Well, maybe next time she’ll organise herself better and they won’t have to scare seven kindsa shit out of her by hustling her out of her house (still in an apron, perhaps, and one solitary roller still clinging to her hair) and bundling her unceremoniously into the ‘copter from hell.

    Mind you, after all this, if the pilot is sent for her again he may well loop the loop, just to teach her not to diss his blades.

  6. Me says:

    Yes, you heard correctly. And yes, ‘bielt’ (or ‘pixxejt’) has definitely been edited out, though not properly enough.

  7. Maradona says:

    Mikkina. I almost pity her. U HALLINA Justyne. She is so cheap and wants to make us believe the opposite.

  8. T. Cassar says:

    That just goes to show what some people are REALLY made of.

    Isn’t that the same chopper which rescuers use in very difficult circumstances when they get people out of otherwise inaccessible spots?

    But, before someone says that soldiers are trained for helicopter flights, isn’t it also the same helicopter which each emergency nurse uses when flying a patient out of Gozo? Of course these nurses also care for their patients while they are flying.

    Perhaps we should rely less on what people say and REALLY look at what they actually do.

  9. FP says:

    tlift saħti

  10. Sue says:

    Our agent stated that the ‘assembly is the only forum in the Mediterranean that sees Israel and Palestine sitting around the same table’. She is wrong.

    Get your facts right dott., or you’ll never make it to be foreign minister.

  11. Tracy says:

    To add insult to injury, din mhux biss ippretendiet li tmur bil-helicopter, imma ppretendiet li jibghatulha wiehed bhal ma ghandu Obama

  12. gann bello says:

    RTK could perhaps shed more light even by saying: Yes, there were cuts. As for Justyne Caruana she is out for more bumpy rides with JM’s PL:

  13. tinnat says:

    It does sound like it’s been cut there.

  14. canon says:

    Anzi ma qalitx li kellha tmur tbidel.

  15. Herman says:

    Hearing it on my headphones it sounds like “tlift sahhti”.

  16. curious says:

    Now I know why they said that Dr. Gonzi was arrogant. Liars.

    If you are a board member and you are not paid a remuneration, you can do what the hell you like. No ethics, no standards, nothing.

    “Confronted with the same question, as to whether he was collecting monies from contractors or others he was meeting, Chetcuti said: “I help whoever I want in any way I like.

    “I am not employed by the government and as far as I know I’m not paid for sitting on the building regulations board.”

    Sandro Chetcuti is Labour volunteer, says party CEO

    MaltaToday ‎

  17. AE says:

    Yep they edited it. Hamalla. The peasants have taken over. They may be wearing suits or The Northface but they are still peasants.

  18. Joe Fenech says:

    I can’t stop laughing, not at the fact that she sounds like a goose being force-fed or because of her preposterous argumentation (as if the model of the helicopter is the problem here), but at her pompous “mort diddifindi l-intiriss te bejjijzi”.

    Attenti, nies. Here comes Joan of Gharb on her high horse.

  19. Joe Fenech says:

    I think she said “kelli lil Joseph tahti”.

  20. anthony says:

    It must be contagious.

    I almost had the same accident listening to the puerile interview.

  21. Eric says:

    I think her actual words were ‘tlift sahhti’, though she might have wet herself in the process seeing that she was sent out in a medieval helicopter miskina…

  22. manum says:

    As I see it she is trying to make us feel sorry for her, for the fact that she had to board that bozza tal-plastik against her will, to do her duty in the national interest. What utter bullshit.

  23. albona says:

    ‘tlift tahti’. Several words were cut in between those two I would say.

  24. gigi says:

    OK Daphne, sewwa smajt. Imma b’daqshekk? Hi qed tghid li ghamlet tahta u thossa li ghamlet dmirha, that’s all.

  25. A. Cremona says:

    Well spotted, Daphne, you’re correct. I could suggest an excellent brand of nappies.

  26. Kevin says:

    Could it be that Mrs Caruana was referring to the transparent undercarriage of the helicopter cabin?

    In any case, that bit seems to have been edited. In the rest of the recording her words are clear. At the particular instance she says “tahti” there seems to have been some form of editing.

  27. tbg says:

    Kemm hi ordinarja.

  28. ciccio says:

    She did say that the helicopter was an Alu-wet, didn’t she?

  29. pirellu says:

    I think it was ‘bilt tahti’ which has a similar sounding to ‘pixxejt’.

  30. Maltri says:

    I thought you missed it intentionally the first time round, this site being a family blog.

    Now I am glad you pin-pointed it in a dedicated post.

    Gonzi kellu t-terminoloġija tal-politika tal-kċina. Dawn ghandhom il-pulitka tal-l*ki. F’sens letterali.

  31. WhoamI? says:

    I don’t understand all the fuss either.

    She had to go to Gozo before flying back to Marselles to say hello to nannu, u biex taghmel reverenza quddiem l-inkwatru ta Mintoff.

  32. Sister Ray says:

    A generous helping of lubricant ghal darb’ohra.

  33. c says:

    Indunajtu li irreferiet ghall-membri Nazzjonalisti bhala l-membri tal-gvern?

    Fil-parti 00:38 sec qalet “kelli zewg rapporti. Il-membri tal-gvern (riedet tghid in-Nazzjonalisti) ircevewhom dawn ir-rapporti…”.

    Din ghadha tahseb li l-Labour ghadhom fl-Oppozizzjoni – ahseb u ara kemm marret Marsilja biex tiddefendi l-interessi ta’ pajjizha.

  34. Imhasseb says:

    Mela qabel kelna l-ghasafar tac-comb hu issa ghandna helicopters tal-plastic. X’jonqos aktar?

  35. verita says:

    Let me fly or Volare

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