Did the prime minister really have to be so loud, vicious, aggressive and threatening? It really wasn’t at all attractive.

Published: January 20, 2014 at 11:18pm

The prime minister lost his cool completely in parliament this evening, bouncing off the walls and shouting like a man about to thump his wife for burning the bacon.

He was menacing, vicious, threatening, nasty and aggressive, loud and rude. He had clearly spent the weekend listening to Mintoff’s speeches from the 1970s, modelling his inflection and tone on his, for all the world as though it will go down a treat in 2014 with the tal-pepe switchers who voted for him.

If they do like that kind of thing, they’re welcome to it – such crass and vulgar hamallagni, it was unbelievable – but the tragic thing is that they’ve dumped this uncivilised man on the rest of us too.

A prime minister who threatens, shouts, bullies and makes jingoistic, antiquated statements about not going down on his knees to foreigners? For God’s sake, those days are gone, should be gone. This isn’t the post-colonial era and we’re an EU member state. “I approach (the foreigners) as a partner, and if I like it I’ll do it and if I don’t, I won’t,” he yelled at the Opposition leader across the floor of the House.

Is that his definition of a partnership? Well, it’s a very strange one. It’s the definition of somebody who grew up alone and had no friends in the playground, and so never learned how to cooperate with others, how to give and take and play along.

Oh, and another thing – I resent that reference he made, in his most vicious tone, to ‘il-blokkers’. This is not because I can’t handle it – heaven knows I can – but because there is something seriously wrong with the prime minister of a democratic EU member state who uses his parliamentary time to intimidate and make threatening references to those who, like me, exercise their fundamental human right to freedom of expression in criticising him and taking him to task for his behaviour and objectives.

What is he saying there – that he is so liberal and progressive that he can’t take criticism or have somebody writing about him in a way that doesn’t please him, on a website read by tens of thousands?

So the liberal progressiveness was just a false front. What a surprise. “I’m liberal and progressive, but don’t make fun of me on your website, or I’ll go nuts in parliament and get vicious.”


The Opposition leader, in complete contrast, was calm and collected, even when making some very strong points. That only seemed to enrage the prime minister more. Busuttil made a quick-witted remark about the energy minister’s talk of ‘accelerated economic growth’.

“Well, your family has certainly had accelerated economic growth recently,” he said to him across the floor.

The prime minister’s response was totally disproportionate and vicious. Shouting like somebody about to break a bottle over another man’s head in a brawl, he accused Busuttil of what his party station loves to call an attakk fahxi u moqziez fuq il-familja ta’ wiehed mill-membri taghna.

“Waqajt fl-aghar livell baxx tal-blokkers!” he screamed. Oh indeed. And this is an ex Super One hack who is still responsible for his vile party station.

Deceitfully, he glossed over the fact that the ‘familja’ in question – Mrs Konrad Mizzi – was given a state contract for an undisclosed sum, to do unspecified work in her home country, China, to which she decided to return. Because of that, she is not only a legitimate target for media attention and political criticism, but journalists and politicians actually have a duty and obligation to ask about her, her contract and her work on behalf of the Maltese government in China.

It’s bad enough that the prime minister has refused to disclose those details when his government was asked for them, in parliament. Now we are apparently not even allowed to mention it.

65 Comments Comment

  1. Cesare says:

    I got the impression the man is in panic mode, and vicious with it as well.

  2. AE says:

    Looks like the mask has fallen. Didn’t take long did it?

    Simon Busuttil’s calm demeanour is just what is needed at moments like this.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    ‘livell baxx’!

    Has Muscat ever read a German, French, Italian, American or English journalist? Is someone like Jeremy Paxman (just to give one typical example of what journalism is all about) vile and low? Muscat should consider himself damn lucky that journalists in Malta are bla kukki and he gets away with murder.

    • Melissa says:

      Do you think a man like that would read anything published by international journalists? When people tell me that Daphne is vile, I realise that they haven’t got the slightest….

  4. albona says:

    Any clips?

  5. canon says:

    It seems Joseph Muscat can’t stand the heat.

  6. ciccio says:

    “A prime minister who …makes jingoistic, antiquated statements about not going down on his knees to foreigners?”

    ““I approach (the foreigners) as a partner, and if I like it I’ll do it and if I don’t, I won’t,” he yelled at the Opposition leader across the floor of the House.”

    OMG. What was he talking about?

    • observer says:

      His mentor had also referred to Canossa way back in the mid-60’s. It goes to show little joey’s essential grasp of history.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Rats have a habit of becoming vicious when cornered but he’s found a pair of terriers in Simon Busuttil and Viviane Reding. Even his friend Svoboda has been growling in anger.

    For all his bluff and bluster, Muscat is now going to plead with Reding, presumably to persuade her from taking action against the government (and, by association, against Malta).

    I doubt he’ll be successful.

  8. Socrates says:

    What has Mrs Konrad Mizzi done so far to bring investment to our country? Any news? Aren’t we entitled to be informed about someone who is being paid a very high salary with perks from the taxpayers’ pockets?

    Is she doing what she was actually sent for in her homeland on behalf of our country? Has Dr Mario Vella done anything to ensure that this business is carried out as expected, at least?

  9. Harry Purdie says:

    So, the incompetent boy ‘PM’ lost it. It figures.

    Went in way over his head, now sinking in his own crap.

    Didn’t Shakespeare write some stuff about that?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Yes, what was it now?

      “For what is he they follow? Truly, gentlemen, A bloody tyrant and a homicide; One raised in blood and one in blood established; One that made means to come by what he hath, And slaughtered those that were the means to help him.”

  10. Dave says:

    Hugely irresponsible. He barely even mentioned the scheme and instead resorted to tajjir in his new (post-election) minn qiegh il-Bormla accent.

    Sorry guys, Koolaid is no longer being imported. Now stick to Master Orange or Xlangsang Ping Poo from the great People’s Republic of China.

  11. Edward says:

    Incidentally, the types of societies that are aware of this are those that have used it themselves to gain absolute power.

    Part of their attitude towards it is that it only works in permissible and liberal/tolerant societies, and therefore rule their countries by demonstrating the total opposite and any window shift, no matter how natural, is clamped down on like nobody’s business.

    These countries are Russia, North Korea and, yes, China.

  12. Nana says:

    Muscat and his party spent five years tearing the government to shreds for every little thing. Super One was always in overdrive.

    Now they are in government and they can’t take even just a tiny fraction of that heat. They are driven to silence all opposition and all criticism, and what they hate most is being laughed at.

  13. Martin Felice says:

    “What’s the hack” feels cornered and is now desperate.

    His outburst this evening in parliament shows this very clearly. Hamallu bil-kbir – il-veru jaqq.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    He’s an ace, is Simon Busuttil.

  15. Pepe' says:

    A fitting tribute to that violent bastard Wistin Abela, on the occasion of his death earlier in the day. His spirit lives on. For his next trick, the prime minister might do as Wistin did, and have his men sack the law courts, then pose with them for a photograph when they turn up in dinner-jackets at their arraignment.

  16. Angus Black says:

    Daphne, you should be honoured since it appears that he only has time to read your ‘blokk’. But he will not name you because he is chicken even if he has parliamentary immunity.

    He doesn’t have time to read the hundreds of comments appearing in the dailies, all (except the usual morons) against his IIP and poking fun at the next Cabinet meeting at a Mellieha band club.

  17. SteveS says:

    Do you by any chance know where I can hear the PM’s show?

    [Daphne – You’ll find it on the parliament website.]

  18. Sparky says:

    Listened to Simon and Mario and both were ‘massive’, if I may. Was that Mizzi in the background many a time hurling abuse as if wanting to entertain ala Mintoff era?

    If you’re reading this, Muscat – and I bloody hope you are – it’s thanks to ‘blokkers’ such as Daphne and one or two on The Malta Independent and Times of Malta, that we find out the information you should be telling us yourself. Your government has turned hellish fast.

    As one man put it in a Net TV street poll, Malta has been lent to you TO GOVERN for 5 years. You don’t own it nor us. You’re a disgrace, and an embarrassment. The sooner you sod off the better.

  19. Makjavel says:

    The prime minister sounded as though he is in breakdown mode.

  20. PD says:

    Given my location I could only picture the scene when I was reading the live updates from Parliament online. But now you’ve confirmed that it was worse than I imagined.

  21. just me says:

    Daphne you are a thorn in his side. He was thinking about you during his speech, or rather I should say his outburst, as he even mentioned bloggers.

    Keep up your amazing work.

  22. gann bello says:

    Perhaps Mrs Sai Mizzi Liang is in China to promote the citizenship scheme among billionaires.

    Does Henley give her commission on each one she brings in?

    Mrs Sai Mizzi Liang and the new Maltese ambassador in China are literally sitting on a gold mine.

    • Rjc says:

      Perhaps she was sent there to silence her. Who knows? Maybe she knows a lot more than we do about what went on during the electoral campaign.

  23. Francis Saliba MD says:

    “Mrs Konrad Mizzi – receiving a state contract for an undisclosed sum, to do unspecified work in her home country, China, to which she decided to return.”

    That sounds more like Mrs K Mizzi being paid alimony out of the Maltese taxpayers’ money rather than her carrying out a meritorious service for the Maltese.

  24. Paddling Duck says:

    Is there a recording of what happened in parliament yesterday?

  25. Bullivant says:

    Worse is yet to come, A cornered rat is always vicious and dangerous.

  26. francesca says:

    Same question, I would like to listen Joseph Muscat in Parliament yesterday, how can I do this?

  27. issa naraw says:

    Thank you, Daphne. You hit the nail on the had. Joseph Muscat WAS an avoided specimen at school and now it’s revenge time.

    Thank goodness he’s allowed his true colours to show so early.

    Now maybe the “switchers for profit (monetary / protection from the law / tpattija babies / etc.)” movement might start to understand the true impact of their actions.

  28. Vicki says:

    Now lets all wish him a very happy 40th birthday for tomorrow 22nd January.

  29. Butterfly says:

    You have a chance to vote him out in 5 years time.

  30. Scarlet says:

    keep up your good work Daphne .

  31. Kevin Zammit says:

    Could it be that Konrad has some trouble with his wife? Maybe she has been silenced by being put on the state payroll. Seeing that she has such a high pay, she seems to be accountable to no one, and she is living on the other side of the globe (while her “husband” is living here), I am starting to think that there is something horribly wrong. That’s why Joseph has gone mad at her being mentioned, because he has lost control over her? Or because he sees a crisis looming his way, a crisis that he cannot avoid, only delay!

  32. Mandy says:

    Here’s a youtube link to yesterday’s speech, in case you want to upload it. (It’s just the sound.). http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jR-xCoO0WiI&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjR-xCoO0WiI

  33. Kukkurin says:

    The Prime Minister behaved like a rat when cornered. And post the hugely humiliating European Parliament vote cornered is just what he is.

  34. Paul Saliba says:

    Horrific reminiscence of the 70s and 80s under socialist regimes of Mintoff and KMB …SHAME!

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