EU Commissioner Viviane Reding on Malta’s sale of passports: “I am somewhat shocked that citizenship is being linked to the wallet…I am not aware that I have been consulted on this…this goes against EU treaties and even against international law.”
January 15, 2014 at 6:32pm
Please listen to the video interview in the link below. It speaks for itself. What we have here is Malta literally going to war with the European Union that accepted us as a member state.
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What an utter shame!
Gejna fi kliem Lawrence Gonzi meta fil-kampanja elettorali kien qal li il-partit tal-Labour igieghel lil-poplu jisthi jghid li hu Malti.
Unfortunately most MEPs wouldn’t be able to put things into context as they don’t know the MLP’s history.
The shit has hit the fan! All ‘roadmaps’ now lead back to and his devious, duplicitous IIP scheme which was kept hidden from the electorate before the election.
Looks like Malta just got a sound thrashing at the European Parliament. Shame on our Prime Minister for this public humiliation and embarrassment we have all had to endure.
The Labour MEPs were completely ineffective in their frenzied efforts to defend their Party’s position. Reminds one of Humpty Dumpty, really. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Every genuine Maltese citizen should listen to this interview to get a full appreciation of the big mess our Government has got us into. They are taking us down the road to ruin.
But why are they doing this? There are only two possible answers:
1. They are not fit for purpose because they simply cannot think things through; or
2. They are doing it deliberately.
Newman, most PL supporters would not even understand the content of the interview. They trust Joseph blindly ghax Malta Taghhom Biss.
Just enjoyed watching the plenary especially when Goncz Kinga of the Socialist group was on and right behind her there was Marlene Mizzi, the look on her face, so nervous.
I simply cannot believe some of the comments on
Is it possible that these people do not realise that this scheme is ‘selling’ a citizenship for the whole of Europe and not just for Malta?
Of course the EU has to be consulted when one is involving all the other members.
It just goes to show the mentality of these people and the party they support. Ethics, respect, rules and regulations are all thrown out of the window.
Ignorant gullible sheep!
I am not sure it’s just a case of gullibility or ignorance. Someone made the point elsewhere that there might be no more money now to pay for the iced buns. Perhaps what they really fear is that the ice will start to melt much sooner than they thought possible.
Yes. It’s a bit like having planted a mine into each EU member state’s administrative territory.
Rather than “leave the EU,” it appears to me that the Labour/ Chinese wish is to see it implode.
Because the John Dalli debacle and the pushbacks weren’t enough to shame Malta. We needed this too.
I wouldn’t put it beyond the bunch of `pimps, thieves and scoundrels` for it all to have been intended.
Some cooks prepare the herbs and spices in advance of the stew. Rather like: an Indian meal will create a pre-expectation of curry and/or cardamom; a Hungarian one of paprika; dill wouldn’t be out of place with a Polish meal.
In order for Joseph Muscat to be able operate his scams, Malta’s – then – new pristine name had to come down by several notches, especially on the EU front.
Shiv Nair has been in place operating since Sant was last in power. Perfectly positioned to select the spices that would prepare the palate.
This has been on Joseph Muscat’s back burner for a long, long time. To contemplate otherwise would be to misjudge this vile, malicious, spiteful, calculating and completely amoral opponent.
This too would explain the macabre tantillation of those – more nobly blessed – whose direct experience of life was stunted by those more talented and able.
The tabs of non-recognition and indignation at non-participation forever mounting. An “indisputedly deserved” meritocracy: their figments of imagination salvaged. Their egos caressed.
For a game of chess where they opted to knave for the silent tyrant.
That particular brand of local Joseph-voting-Guizi have a earned themselves a stench that locally, will never, ever leave them. A body odour to last generations.
The silent tyrant is a long term planner. The selected players have their price. Seven generations worth of discomfort is, to the tyrant, an easy long-term investment. The grease on oil-starved tracks, now remodelled to fit and serve without semblance or knowledge of shame.
A continent silently conquered.
Meta-tooling from the morally weakest entry-point.
Troy all over again: The horse filling as we breathe.
Classically ironic that it’s under a Greek Presidency.
Self-serving greed: sloth and gluttony.
A ship of mutinous avaricious Labour fools: serial traitors of Malta and the Maltese.
Good at politics not fashion. What an awful dress she is wearing.