Evil and all-powerful Opposition organises more international media coverage of Malta’s plans to sell EU passports

Published: January 15, 2014 at 12:24pm

For just some of the latest reports on Malta’s plans to sell EU citizenship for cash, please see the links below. The Opposition has been terribly busy.

17 Comments Comment

  1. admin says:




















  2. J.J. says:

    And those 4 cabbages who pose as Labour MEPs were clearly useless.

  3. TROY says:

    THE POWER OF THE PRESS, my dear prime minister.

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    The government can’t be that much in denial.

  5. aldo says:

    If what the PM says is true, than Simon Busuttil must be an extremely influential person to be able to persuade most of the members of the European Parliament with his arguments

  6. Pinturicchio says:

    Here’s another one who thinks we’re all fools. Ah, but he’s editor-in-chief at Union Press now, so that might explain it.

    Sandro Mangion on Facebook:

    Kemm hu ironiku li nies li jsejħu lilhom infushom “nazzjonalisti” jogħxew iħammġu l-immaġini ta’ pajjiżhom f’fora internazzjonali. Humiex se jerġgħu jistampaw xi ktejjeb tipo ‘Is Malta Burning’, li kienu jqassmu ma’ kullimkien biex igerrxu l-investiment barrani f’Malta fi żmien il-gvernijiet Laburisti tas-sebgħinijiet u t-tmeninijiet? Fil-ferneżija biex jagħtu gambetta lill-Gvern u mingħalihom iċaħħdu lill-poplu minn ħajja aħjar b’riżultat tal-biljun ewro li se jidħlu mill-iskema ta’ ċittadinanza b’investiment, ċaħdu lil pajjiżhom. Għandna quddiemna l-ewwel żewġ ewroparlamentari li qatt talbu bil-ħniena lill-kollegi barranin tagħhom biex jikkundannaw lil art twelidhom stess?

    • Josette says:

      Kemm paroli u prożopopeja. Għandu jkun jaf, għax ħadem mal-Parlament Ewropew, li hemm id-deputati maqsuma skont il-partiti u li forsi ż-żewġ Eurodeputati nazzjonalisti jistgħu jinfluwenzaw in-nies tan-naħa tagħhom – mhux il-Parlament kollu. U, minn kliemu ma tantx jidher li għanu fiduċ

      • Josette says:

        Kemm paroli u prożopopeja. Għandu jkun jaf, għax ħadem mal-Parlament Ewropew, li hemm id-deputati maqsuma skont il-partiti u li forsi ż-żewġ Eurodeputati nazzjonalisti jistgħu jinfluwenzaw in-nies tan-naħa tagħhom – mhux il-Parlament kollu. U, minn kliemu ma tantx jidher li għandu fiduċja fil-ħila ta’ perżważjoni tad-Deputati tal-PL – li huma aktar numerużi. U jinsa’ li fit-tmenijiet kien partitarju Nazzjonalista akkanit.

    • viva n-nort koreja says:

      Sandro should know that the PN are not actually Nationalists with a capital ‘N’.

      If perhaps, I don’t know, he read a book every now and again he would realise that the PN’s foundations can be traced to the Partito Anti-Riformista which was opposed to the way the British were trying to strengthen their hold on the island by reprehensible means.

      Hence, the evolution to ‘Partit Nazzjonalista’. Geoffrey Hull wrote a great book on the subject matter. They might have an audio version if you need it.

  7. manum says:

    dalwaqt jibda jimbah indhil barrani!

  8. Fenka says:

    The government’s plan to sell 1800 main applications is just wishful thinking. If Muscat interprets tomorrow’s vote as presenting no impediment and proceeds with the sale of EU passports, one can be sure that resident ambassadors will be following the local government gazette to see how many passports are sold and how many millions have been obtained. When the millions add up, and once the EU passport bubble has been burst, you can be sure that all states, especially bankrupt ones, will use Malta’s example to join in the sale.

    With prices tumbling down due to the competition, you can be sure that even if Malta’s price is competitive, applicants would
    prefer to buy a residence in a big country in Europe, as they will need a residence there and not in Malta.

    Then the goose will cease laying Maltese golden eggs, but we will still be saddled with the collapse of the EU citizenship.

    As for the 1 billion Euro bonanza; that is just PR to feed their supporters, for them to parrot on the airwaves and comment boards.

  9. Foggy says:

    See also today’s opinion piece by Desmond Zammit Marmara in Times of Malta. This political and historical illiterate is disgusted by the PN’s international campaign whipping up foreigners to oppose the government’s passport sales.

    He also believes that foreign attitudes to Dom Mintoff were not due so much to his attitudes, behaviour and policies but to the shameful machinations of the Nationalists. I understand he is a teacher. God help his students.

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