If you’re at home, watch NET TV now
January 19, 2014 at 5:05pm
They’re broadcasting Simon Busuttil’s speech of this morning, and it’s excellent. More important still, he’s not reading it off a teleprompter with the acting skills of a participant in a Maltese soap opera.
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Roberta was fantastic too. Pity I only got her final 15 minutes but she was so good.
It can also be watched online.
Thanks to this wonderful team.Keep explaining to the people the repercussions of this scheme and the blatant lies especially the explanations given by Edward Scicluna and that given by other exponents of the PL
The speakers, David Casa, Roberta Metsola and Simon Busuttil were absolutely superb. I was there.
As Mark Twain said, it is not so much the love of money which is the root of all evil, but the lack of it.
Allow me.
Proud to be Nationalist.
More importantly, proud to not have been conned!
Hallik…ghadek ma tafx kemm naf nies li vvutaw Labour u kienu PN u regghu daru PN.
We are in a fix here. The Labour Party has a nine-seat majority because it conned people into thinking they represented something new and fresh, positive change.
Muscat manages his party and government like a dictator not a democratic leader – by stilling fear.
It is unlikely that members of parliament, even those who disagree with him and perhaps were conned by him too, will object as they want only to protect themselves rather than do the job they were elected to do.
All three were excellent.
They are an inspiration.
Having attended the event this morning, I am full of pride that we are lucky enough to have two such great MEPs on behalf of the Nationalist Party. I must commend MEP Casa on his great speech, his argument that this scheme is isolating Malta. That is what I am feeling too.
And now that idiot, bright red in the face, is on Super One. A repeat of his speech – telling one lie after another – unbelievable! But looking at the audience, you can see they are believing every word he says.
I heard some of Muscat’s speech to the party faithful in Fgura this morning.
I couldn’t believe it when I heard him say that the Socialist group in the European Parliament ‘fehmuna u qablu maghna’ in last Thursday’s voting.
Why let an insignificant thing like the truth get in the way. Half the idiots there think the resolution was in favour of the IIP in any case…
Poor thing, bit delusional are we?
What he hasn’t noticed yet is how Net TV is flooded with Laburisti phoning in to express their views.
Or how people have taken to mild sarcasm.
Entering a shop during last week’s blackout, the man at the counter greeted me saying it’s because Konrad was busy switching over to gas. I didn’t know this man, and there were other customers.
I always was, and now more than ever.
Winston Churchill once said: A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.
So now Joseph Muscat is boasting that in the next few years he’ll bring about a high-level generational change to Maltese society. He will be attracting to our shores blessed by his magnanimous leadership the high Elves of middle-earth who will generously, through their investment, raise the standard of living of we common Maltese folk, the Hobbits.
Of course this will not happen … and as Churchill said he will have to explain why it didn’t. So many have spoken about it and we all know the arguments. I’d like however to remind all how things changed in just few decades.
Do you remember Mintoff trumpeting the ideals of the Socialist generation in the 1970s and 80s? Guided by the Workers’ Party – il-Partit tal-Haddiema – we were all lectured about how good it is to insult capitalists, spit at the tal-pepe, humiliate the intelligensia, denigrate the imperialist foreigners – that dreaded barrani etc.
Everything was done in the name of class conflict.
Indeed, class hatred was sacrosant and nobody dared to question that new generational paradigm shift consisting of the canonisation of the holy worker and the demonization of the Evil Posh People, Dangerous University Students and Vile Capitalists, all of whom sought to oppress the worker, keep him down and steal from him.
And now Joseph Muscat is boasting of leading Malta in a completely different kind of generational change. The once-hated capitalists, who according to the ideologues of the seventies got rich by blood-sucking the poor worker class to death, are being given a warm welcome and red carpet treatement. Now this is what I call a real hypocritical U-turn.
Muscat’s is not TRUE capitalism. His is cynical Machiavellist oportunism at its worst. There is no social soul in his political machinations. It is pure bigotry.
With a bit of luck he’ll fall so deep that he’ll take the last vestiges of the “venerated image” of Mintoff into the depths with his generated one.
Many of the older generation had already chucked out their “Nanna and Nannu with Mintoff; Mintoff with Zija Marija, Ziju Ton etc” series of photos in the salott, and much of Joseph Muscat’s door to door and personal approach was to provide the new stock of these.
Last week was a point of no return.
Joseph Muscat’s bubbles are bursting fasting than he can muster credible excuses for, whilst Simon Busuttil is on the ascent.
From the same book that proto-truths came from (The Happiness Purpose):
There are those whose egos are larger than their capabilities and who should strive to bring the two in line.
There are those whose capabilities are superior to their egos.
What is happening here with Joseph Muscat, is that where capabilities are deficient, new-truthing/ proto-truthing is supplementing.
Hodics is what it is all about: The choice and mechanics of routes.
Just perfect, all of them. Proud that I am Nationalist!
Keep it up, all of you. We have to re-unite further because tough times are right ahead.
Excellent people representing us!
I think Muscat has unintentionally succeeded in uniting the European Parliament against him, and worse still for his party, he has galvanized the Nationalist Party.
Simon Busuttil is showing maturity and a sense of cautious and responsible leadership. He is assertive and knows the ropes.
Under his leadership, the PN is steadily gaining momentum in popularity.
The government is not full of crooks. They do not associate with crooks. They are not having the IIP monies paid to Henley to get kickbacks.
This is not the reason the money isn’t being paid directly to the Maltese agency responsible. They did not want to keep the new passport holders secret so we wouldn’t know how much cash had been paid to Henley.
I trust my government.
Careful. Some people might take you seriously.
Can anyone tell me why we haven’t taken to the streets yet?
Maybe it is because the keyboard is mightier then the sword?
Why haven’t you taken to the streets? There, you have your answer.
Perhaps we are all waiting for the Opposition to organize it all.
Kemm se ndumu? X’qed nistennew?
On another topic.
Forget the implications of ‘À la lanterne’ in French history for a moment.
Aren’t those entrance columns to ‘La Lanterne’, the president’s residence where Valerie Trierweiler is residing, appropriate.
No one really votes for policies. We vote for people.
You look at Simon Busuttil and you think: for all his shortcomings, whatever his policies, here’s a fundamentally good man.
You look at Joseph Muscat, and for all his victories, for all his success, he’s a cheat, a liar and a crook.
The differences are so obvious it’s painful.
Everyone here knows what I think of the PN’s socialist economic policies, or their social conservatism, or about stipends, or spring hunting, or Italianate lawyers. But it’s the leader’s character that counts. I want morals, conviction, intelligence, critical ability, sincerity and that most important of qualities which is emotional intelligence.
Simon Busuttil is the better man. By great big massive miles.
It insults my intelligence to see my countrymen voting for the other man, a cynical, uncaring, lying, conceited child star.
Joseph Muscat is the price we had to pay to get Simon Busuttil.
Exactly. That’s why the PN lost the election. It wasn’t a choice between two options, but three:
1. Joseph Muscat as PM
2. Lawrence Gonzi as PM
3. Simon Busuttil as PM
Option 3 is impossible without 1. If Lawrence Gonzi had given his solemn word that he’d step down after WINNING the election, then the relative strengths of 2 and 3 combined would have been greater than 1.
Instead he chose the negation of this, perhaps thinking it was a brilliant move, stating that he would NOT resign if he LOST the election.
The result was that even those who preferred 3 to 1 ended up choosing 1 as the only way to get 3.
It was handled disastrously. They don’t need jurists and ex-journalists at PN headquarters, but smart people who can teach them game theory.
I mean why am I telling them this?
Rogue European state to host CHOGOM 2015. Smart move.
Mghadux sexy li tkun lejber…shortlived the fashion
People were eager to try ‘new Labour’ like a drug novice who has a puff of hash and then realises that he despises the taste. After all the chaos they created, PL will have to return to the reserves bench for many more decades. Labour has relegated itself once more to being a ‘party of thugs and scoundrels’.
Is it on youtube, or recorded somewhere online?
As time goes by one detects a former Super One reporter, now a desperate Prime Minister, slowly losing his grip on reality.
His “Golden Rule” speech of today was obscene. I am starting to wonder when this guy is going to come out onto an open balcony dressed in black military garb to a staged show of popular support.