Labour MEP Claudette Abela Baldacchino, slumped in her seat and chewing gum during yesterday’s Strasbourg debate on the sale of EU citizenship

Published: January 16, 2014 at 8:58pm

19 Comments Comment

  1. Edward says:

    Charming. She’s also breathing very heavily. I wonder what was worrying her?

  2. Sister Ray says:

    It’s OK, it’s not what we’re selling.

  3. Joan says:


  4. watchful eye says:

    U le , u le, u le, x’misthija. F’hiex giet Malta li jien tant kburi li jien binha bi dritt.

  5. AE says:

    Maaaa x’avveliment

  6. anthony says:

    She reminds me of Winston Churchill in the Commons.

    Similar sort of performance.

  7. Makjavel says:

    Il hanzir tlibsu toga hanzir jibqa.

  8. matt says:

    Is this the best MLP can produce, then what it says about the party. Disgraceful!

  9. Harry Purdie says:

    So embarassing, but so typical of her type.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    Bloody unbelievable! Well this lady was working in an office at the Trade department some years ago if not mistaken.

  11. stef says:

    A big thank you to all the Nationalists who did not vote or voted Labour candidates in the last EP elections for this image!

  12. ciccio says:


    She seems to be chewing over the idea of buying a new citizenship. If only MEP 317 could buy another identity, she could avoid that OLAF investigation into her alleged misuse of EU funds.

  13. jack says:


  14. Joe Fenech says:

    Il-Fidwa tal-Bdiewa.

  15. Lupin says:

    This is what you get when one votes for those who are on our TV screens all the time rather than for the value thay can add. Being a newscaster does not make you fit for purpose. A couple of years down the line she looks so outdated and out of place.

  16. Ta'sapienza says:

    Malta’s version of a Royle family member.

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