Lara Boffa pronounces herself on morality

Staff at the Malta Council for Science and Technology must now approach the stationery cupboard with trepidation: the chairman is openly having it off with his personal assistant, who he put on the public payroll there: Lara Boffa in the Labour Party’s campaign video
The intellectually challenged Lara Boffa, like the editor of Malta Today, thinks it is ‘fucking sick’ (their words, not mine) to inform the public of the death by suicide of a political campaigner used by the Labour Party to its own cynical ends despite its knowledge of his vulnerability.
It’s not the man being cynically used by a political party and by Matthew Vella’s newspaper that is ‘fucking sick’, in their view, but telling people about it.
But nobody refers to Lara Boffa for her views on morality, really. This is somebody who has redefined blatant political whoredom by trading her appearance in the Labour Party’s marketing campaign, and the name of the grandfather she never knew, for grace-and-favour appointments from the Labour government afterwards.
And this is how a woman who was registered as unemployed and receiving unemployment benefits, who has a poor work record and who shows all signs of not being bright at all, came to be appointed to the board of directors of Enemalta Corporation at a time when that corporation has to make some major decisions and is going through important changes. Perhaps Lara Boffa would like to tell us about the morality of that: the morality of using public posts to reward party favourites, the morality of appointing to important positions those who are not fit for purpose, and the morality of soliciting and accepting appointments for which one is patently unsuited.
And I believe quite a lot of us have strong views on the morality of the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology recruiting as that organisation’s ‘PR’ and his personal assistant a woman he wished to make his mistress, after a staged call for applications and interview process with other applicants who never stood a chance.
In other words, a (married) man abusing of his public position and public funds to put on the (public) payroll of a state organisation a woman into whose knickers he wished to get.
Now that he has got into those knickers – Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Lara Boffa were seen walking along holding hands in Birgu at night, spotted together in Taormina in November and went on holiday to England together just before Christmas – there is yet another ‘moral issue’ on which Miss Boffa might consider giving us her views.
Which one of them is going to resign from the Malta Council for Science and Technology? Or are we – to say nothing of the directors and staff of that organisation – going to have to contend with a situation in which the chairman is fucking (it appears to be the word they understand and favour; I would have used ‘shagging’) his personal assistant and council PR as though this were entirely normal?
If the reason why and the method how Lara Boffa was recruited were abusive, a sexual relationship between the chairman and one of the employees is more abusive still. The reasons why such situations are not tolerated in organisations should not have to be explained. The chairman is vulnerable to his employee. The employee cannot be disciplined.
The employee acquires power and seniority over her colleagues, even over her superiors, not by dint of her job or rank, but because she is sleeping with the boss. The situation becomes intolerable to staff and is rotten for morale, and the scope for abuse is enormous because an employee who is sleeping with the boss can pretty much do what she pleases or do nothing at all and nobody can discipline her or even complain about it.
Perhaps Miss Boffa would like to tell us about the morality of this?
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But WHY are these people so dumb? They really walk into things.
Lara Boffa, if I were you, I’d just shut my trap – you have lost your credibility.
Lara Boffa never had any credibility.
Since she joined Labour, she hasn’t. Not only did she do a Faustian, but “xi hadd firxilha is-sodda….biex imbghad jidhol maghha fiha”.
Within 4 to 9 years, she’ll be a successful PL candidate thanks to the fact that most Maltese people are unable to take the past into account when making decisions.
If she has any sense, she should shut and close up BOTH her traps.
And do you think for one moment that they know what the word MORALITY means? Neither do some judges and magistrates let alone whores and sycophants.
So this dimwit ‘journalist’ expects the deaths (and their causes) affecting public people to be hushed up? Where was he brought up? In a cave on the Easter Island?
How do you say ‘fucking sick’ in Maltese?
Isn’t it ‘ta’ l-ostrich’?
And if you wish to emphasise you add ‘tal-program’ after the ‘Proset’
Love it, Baxxter.
Partit Laburista
Malta taghna lkoll
“Fucking sick” actually means “awesome” in English.
Only in American English.
But I agree, Labour is fucking sick, man!
An excellent analysis of the situation.
Where is the Fearless Leader?
Well, she surely is f###ing a sick person.
Forsi gibdila l-hajta l-imghallem biex taghmel kumment fuq FB u harget ta`mazetta bi risposta li tajtha.
Why can’t I also have a state-sponsored floozie?
What does old orange-pants have that I haven’t got?
Oh I know what it is. I’ll go and buy meself a pair. That ought to do the trick.
Public persons are constantly scrutinized. They must be in touch with reality about their own capabilities and stability before presenting themselves to the public, for they cannot gag people by suing for “malafama”
She has a hereditary God-given right to pronounce herself on morality.
It goes back at least three generations.
Issa spjegatli dil-mara ghaliex il Labour dejjem hambaq li dak li jaghmel bniedem pubbliku fil-hajja privata ma ghandux x`jaqsam max-xoghol li jkun qed jaghmel.
Bil-filosofija gdida tal-politika gdida tal-Labour li jkollok bozza tixghel u tibbrilla fuq ix-xoghol li jappunta lill-habiba fuq ix-xoghol fl-istess ufficcji u xoghol ma ghandux x`jaqsam ma li jkun il-partner taghha fil-hajja, il-habib fil-vjaggi u l-key chain fejn tidhol il-qalb.
Il-wahda tikkumplimenta lill-ohra u jmorru flimkien daqs kemm zewg mahbubin imorru flimkien jippassiggaw f`nofs ta’ lejl lambranzetta.
Li ghadu misteru ghalija hu kif min jiehu job minghand il-Partit tal-Landi u l-gvern ikun jew gej mis-Super One, jew minn tal-familja jew minn tal-qalba.
U dawn ma jmorrux id f`id ma’ dik l-imsejha ETC li tibghat in-nies ghat-tahrig u ghall-impiegi. Lanqas ma jmorru id f`id ma l-interviews li jaghmlu lil min ikun maghzul minn qabel.
Just read the comments below this item.
Lara, your grand-dad was the first prime minister I heard of as a child. But I got to listen to your grandmother at one of the PN meetings when Eddie Fenech Adami was then leader.
Her message was: “Don’t vote Labour. Vote PN. That is the real workers’ party and the party of democracy.”
Both of them must be turning in their grave at your actions.
Lara doesn’t give a dime what her forebears did or what they would have thought of her behaviour. She just wants power and money, and she’s having both of them.
Nikkonferma li jien li kont attivist fil-MLP fi zmien Mintoff, dejjem qist lill Dr. Fenech Adami bhala ‘socjalist’ hafna aktar minn Dom mintoff u Alfred Sant.
Nasal biex nghid l-istess ghal-Dr. Gonzi tant li dan hadem ghal-haddiem iz-zghir hafna aktar minn Dr. Sant li kien sploda l-kontijiet tad-dawl ghal-kulhadd l-istess.
Il-gvern ta’ Dr. Gonzi kien jaghti sussidju lil madwar tletin elf familja li kienu batuti, u din la qatt ghamila Mintoff, u lanqas Dr. Sant.
Same old funny-coloured trousers.
Pardon my ignorance of Malta’s famous people, but is this Lara Boffa the granddaughter of the former founder and leader of the Labour Party, Sir Paul Boffa?
[Daphne – Yes.]
And does she know anything about the obscene slur created by the MLP powers-to-be about her grandfather’s false rumours alleging incestuous behaviour in London when he was negotiation Malta’s relations with the UK and intended to undermine his revered status in the Malta Labour Party?
Jeez. He certainly would not have approved.
Morality, my foot. And today we get that nincompoop of Eddy Privitera praising Franco Mercieca for performing so many operations at Mater Dei Hospital and Gozo Hospital free of charge. Miskin qed imut bil-guh.
Mistoqsija wahda. Imma hafna risposti. Dawn l-operazzjonijiet b`xejn f`Mater Dei qed isiru fuq pazjenti li jkunu hallsuh fil-privat ? Tghid skopriha din John Dalli fl-investigazzjoni ta Shylock Holm ? Hemm xi xaqq ta dawl fuq din il-mistoqsija ? Dawk li jmorru jhallsuh privat fejn jigu operati ?
Still seeing patients every other Tuesday at a Rabat clinic.
They’re about to start the rape of Bighi. Consultants all over the place, and believe it or not, mooring points planned for group visits to the museum from nearby cruise liners.
Yes, they think they can divert cruise liner traffic to the planetarium. That means grand plans for the stretcher lift.
Not to mention the ‘links’ requiring major excavation and major breaches in the place’s fabric. Labour just caught up with 90’s facadism and its fetish for glass blocks.
People misbehave the way they do when they are permitted to do so freely by those who could, and should, stop them.
Joseph Muscat may wish to note that.
Muscat has already taken note. He believes he has the electorate’s permission to ride roughshod over everyone because of his parliamentary majority.
You are perfectly right. Even before Joseph Muscat.
Well, it seems Pullicino Orlando (Smith) likes to taste pastizzi other than those of is-Serkin in Rabat.
Tisthajjiliex Santa Maria Goretti, Lara Boffa?
It’s f*cking sick to have to put up with the PL for at least five years.
Heqq, kif jghid il -Malti: Il-qahba milli jkollha ttik.
‘Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.’ [Benjamin Franklin]
This quote was on Lara Boffa’s Facebook wall. It reveals a lot about her personality, don’t you think?
Lara’s mother must be a very good cook to have produced such a tart.
Just heard she is going to change her name to Lara Buffa after this post. After all, she is being screwed by a clown nowadays.
I do not think that Miss Boffa has a high opinion of herself or is very bright either. Who would want to hang around a washed-out old has-been of dubious psychological stability, who drinks like a fish, like JPO, twice-married and old enough to be her father?
Or maybe, she does not plan to hang around for too long either?
Qabel l-elezzjoni tat-2008, kemm il-darba ltqajt waqt meetings tal-P.N. ma’ ex Laburist bhali bil-kuljom ta’ Boffa.
Ma nafx dan jekk hux missier Lara jew le, pero jekk ma inhix zbaljat kien jghid li hu kien it-tifel ta’ Sir Paul Boffa.
What has morality got to do with it when it comes to these people?
It is just an empty word that is on occasion is dusted off and presented to the public if it can make the one who says it look good for 30 seconds.
All they care about is themselves and how much they can take from this world with the least amount of effort and to keep the dopamine rush going full blast in their brain at all costs.
So, according to these dimwits, the death by suicide of the likes of Kurt Cobain, should have been kept a secret?
[Daphne – No, because he’s not Maltese and they don’t know his family.]
Paparazzi tal-qamel ghandek! The picture is so blurred. How can we be so sure that it involves the Doc and his companion?
[Daphne – Because I know who took that picture, they are two serious, reliable people, and you had better take my word for it that they are. Also, I would never have published the picture had I not known for a fact that it is Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Lara Boffa in it, as if untrue it would be libellous. But it is true, it is them, and so, it isn’t libellous.]
What other twat would wear those pants?
Does Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando own another pair of trousers? Poor Lara. I hope he launders them occasionally.
I love you, Daphne :)
If it is not Marlene, it is Jeffrey.
I’m looking forward to the next birthday party at the Malta Council for Science and Technology.
Whose birthday comes first, the chairman’s or his personal assistant’s?
They come at the same time.
I must stop myself, really I should.
“M’hemmx isbah mill-indafa”, tghid il-mahmuga.
Having screwed the Nationalist Party, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is now screwing Labour – one at a time.