More enemies of the state
It looks like Lt Col Ian Ruggier and Lt Karl Sammut have been selected for ‘special treatment’ beyond their deployment to the detention camps.
L-Orizzont yesterday ran a story headed:
Rabja fi ħdan il-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta – Fizjal jibgħat imejl meqjusa bħala arroganti
You sort of know who it’s going to be about, and why, even before reading it. The tragic thing is that the hacks who write these things, and their political/union bosses, are blissfully unaware that the terminology, style and approach they use is typical of totalitarianism and fascism.
Those which the fascist/totalitarian controlling power have selected for special targetting as enemies of the state or inconveniently insubordinate are portrayed in public as arrogant and defiant and the cause of much anger among those around them, as a result of which they deserve all the special treatment that is coming to them, which can’t be classed as harassment because they so clearly deserve it.
And what is all this supposed anger about in the Armed Forces? Not the irresponsible, rule-breaking multiple promotions of favoured officers. Not the treatment of the detention camps as a ‘punishment camp’ for officers not in favour with the Labour Party.
No, all this supposed rage and anger in the army is about Lieutenant-Colonel Ruggier’s ‘reply to all’ email in which he reacted to the instructions to take himself off to the detention camp with two words: ‘So typical’.
According to L-Orizzont and its political masters, this disgusting arrogance cannot possibly be tolerated. It is the cause of great and terrible anger.
Lieutenant Sammut is up to be hanged, drawn and quartered, too, because he apparently emailed in response to the news of the latest ‘military movements’: ‘Well done, carry on boys.’
The amazing thing is that those who were enraged by such terrible arrogance appear to have understood that this comment was ironic, instead of taking it literally.
But I’m not too sure about L-Orizzont’s readers. If they read the story at all, they might now be wondering why Lieutenant Sammut has provoked a ‘rabja kbira’ by congratulating the army’s political bosses.
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I hope Jason Micallef didn’t get appointed for the same reasons….
Back in the Golden Years I once got a phone call from a quiet, non-political relative who had the same name, asking me not to write letters to The Times critical of the government’s decision to close down the Constitutional Court.
He explained that he had just been threatened personally on the phone by a Labour Minister (Danny Cremona) with dire consequences.
I had a cousin in Air Malta whose father was also warned by a Labour Minister to keep his son’s tongue in check or else.
And now, the new Owen Bonnici tells me he finds it unacceptable that I express my opinion about the sale for passports scheme as and when I wish. He says I can if there are only Maltese people in the room. Thanks, Owen. Zieg Heil.
It becomes natural to purport the existence of enemies when there’s no other method to sustain a government.
We had it from Mallia himself yesterday that his new SMU, now armed with automatic assault weapons, shall act in the interests of the state whenever the need arises.
He didn’t specify which occasion requires this team’s deployment.
L-Orrizont’s readers don’t think. They go to the Labour club and the local Privitera explains everything to them.
It took me forever to decipher what ‘imejl’ was (to be honest it was your use of the word e-mail later on in the article that gave me the Eureka moment).
I was convinced it was some derivative of the verb ‘tmejjel’ and was trying to understand the l-orizzont article in that vein. Do the ‘higher-powers’ who decided on Maltese being written in this awful way realise how confusing written Maltese has now become?
I am constantly reminded by my family not to bad-mouth the PL. They remember what the consequences were back then. It is Daphne, not the PL run state that provides a forum for freedom of speech to be had. She is constantly dragged to court on fake libels and other forms of legalised harassment, so in a way she kind of takes one (as in, hundreds) for the team.
Ah, the family. On my increasingly infrequent visits to the – ahem – inheritance, I’ve come to dread those coffee table chats. My old pater is forever chiding me as if he were a magistrate hearing a libel case. “Attent xi tghid!” and all that. All very tiring.
Please do NOT trust mobile phones . There is wholesale tapping going on, with reports on what was being said regularly being analysed by the powers that be. And no, they are not applying for any court orders either.
Email is even worse. Especially servers belonging to internet service providers. Gmail is actually pretty safe, but even Gmail accounts have been hacked. It goes without saying that MITA/UOM accounts should never be used for private communication.
Ah….family. Baxxter, my dad still reminds me to be careful what to say…on the telephone. He’s still in the golden years mindset when conversations were overheard. Still not realizing that PN gave us state of the art telephony, mobiles, emails, internet…….
Of course they still have Mallia’s Board headed by old man Maurice Calleja to appeal – but we know that Board was set up to hear “transfers” made by GonziPN
Shades of North Korea.
Back to the 80s