Mrs Norman Hamilton (in the Golden Years of Labour/Xandir Malta and taking inspiration from Abba’s Arrival album cover) is cool and releksed in a bozza tal-plastik

Published: January 27, 2014 at 1:46am

Ignore the Super One logo. This is the original opening track to Josette Grech’s (later Josette Hamilton’s) show on Labour Golden Years Xandir Malta, SIBTIJIET FLIMKIEN.

Husband Norman dug out the recording and broadcast it three or four years ago on his Super One show Bla Agenda, hence the logo and message.

You will notice from this track that Labour always had a cavalier attitude to the use of army helicopters by party favourites.

And top marks for originality and cutting-edge vision, I don’t think. This was around eight years after Abba released their record-breaking Arrival album, with its iconic cover of the four with a bozza tal-plastik.


14 Comments Comment

  1. Zeza says:

    Vera ‘bak to de ejtis’ ghax 30 sena lura tefawna.

    Jahasra, kemm konna ahjar meta konna aghar, l-ahwa.

  2. Jozef says:

    Do not, EVER, upload that clip, again.

    Dawk is-synths ras.

  3. A.Attard says:

    Why did you upload this? Do you know what damage viewing clip has caused me?

  4. Tracy says:

    L-unika haga originali li qatt giethom go mohhom kienet il-bejgh tac-cittadinanza.

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      Skond huma stess lanqas f`dik ma kienu originali ghax hemm l-Awstrija, Ungerija, Spanja, Protugall u pajjizi ohra li ghandhom skema bhalha. Nahseb ridt tghid li kienet l-unika haga li ma ghamlux in Nazzjonalisti allura PL ma setax jimitaha. Ma setghux jghidu li tort tal amminisatrazzjoni precedenti ghax min ikun serju paprati ma jaghmilx.

  5. Herman says:

    THAT was waste of money. Two helicopters were used to make that film.

  6. Rjc says:

    That’s a completely different Bozza tal-Plastic. The Bell helicopters seen in the clip were retired ages ago and the last one flew into the aviation museum where it is on show.

    Today the Air Wing flies Alouettes which give excellent service and have saved the lives of numerous people both in search and rescue and medical transfers from Gozo.

    They are kept in tip-top condition by highly skilled Maltese AFM personnel and have a long service life ahead of them. The aviation museum has to wait quite a while for one of them to go on display there.

  7. Bubu says:

    Looking at that clip I got a strange craving for chocolate.

  8. nostradamus says:

    Yes, she used 2 helicopters… one for her and one for filming.

  9. Alan Jones says:

    For a minute there I thought that was the singer from Winter Moods, in drag.

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