Oh great. Now the Maltese ‘tradituri’ have colonised Beppe Grillo’s brain, as well as the European Parliament and the world press

Published: January 18, 2014 at 12:41am

Beppe Grillo

14 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    In the MEP speeches you had posted, the lady French-speaker already pointed out that this scheme could lead to money laundering amongst other.

  2. admin says:

    Some more international headlines:




















  3. Edward says:

    Dear PL and Muscat.

    When I voted for the EU, I didn’t just vote for the chance to study abroad. I also voted for the EU because I wanted an institution that was higher than my government to protect me from my government.

    If Malta had been part of the EU way back during Mintoff’s time, no human rights would have been violated because we would have had a higher power to deal with him.

    The EU completes the democratic process, and in the case of Malta, protects us from seriously bad ideas and calculations.

    Those MEPs who stood up and attacked your scheme (not Malta) were doing exactly what I voted for.

    I don’t have a blind loyalty to anyone, least of all to a country. If my country goes and violates human rights again, I will be the first to speak out against it all over the internet, and be on the front line to expose the government (again, not country) for what it is.

    Take your jingoism and stuff it.

  4. seksieka says:

    Che vergogna. X’mistħija x’waħda din.

  5. canon says:

    The best in Europe, my foot. I wonder what Edaward Scicluna is saying now.

    He told MEPs that if he were still sitting among them, he wouldn’t expect a Malta to sell passports. The MEPs have spoken and with overwhelming majority showed that they are against selling passport schemes.

    Even Viviane Reding spoke categorically against the scheme. Is Scicluna going back with what he said to the MEPs? He needs to explain.

  6. Adolf says:

    One of the best comments yet I’ve heard on the weakness of this so called IIP was from Pierre Portelli who said that his biggest worry is the ‘well-intentioned applicants’ who seek to invest and set up factories but will use Malta’s scheme to access other EU countries and go and invest there bypassing us.

  7. Foggy says:

    The PN must have been working overtime to get so much coverage in the world’s press. I thought Joseph the pimp had accused them of disorganisation and of still being at sixes and sevens.

  8. Mikiel says:

    In comparison to the oil fraud scandal and the famous ‘arlogg tal-lira’, this decision by the Maltese socialist party has reached new scandalous proportions worldwide.

    Their public relations team is so not up to the job that they even presume that all the world’s most opinionated newspapers would take instruction from the Maltese Opposition, that same Opposition which was trounced in the last general election.

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