Please read this comment
I find it necessary to flag up this comment posted by Francis Saliba, who was the Police Medical Officer in the Labour Golden Years which now seem to be returning, beneath that of retired senior police officer Gaetano Pace, on this website.
Please read it below, and bear in mind that it is not just any random anonymous comment but written by the former Police Medical Officer in his own name.
Under the Malta Labour Party it was, and still is, a suicidal risk for any conscientious police man to attempt to carry out his duty of preventing crime, enforcing the law and to bring criminals to justice without fear or favour.
Only the clueless would not be aware of the very real danger of becoming themselves the targets of persecution by their departmental and political superiors.
As Police Medical Officer I had to assist strong capable police officers of all ranks from Commissioners of Police all the way down to constables on the beat being reduced to mental wrecks by a campaign of political persecution from above.
On one memorable occasion when I interceded with the Police Commissioner on behalf of one such victim, as was my duty as Police Medical Officer, unbelievably, in so many words, I was actually instructed not to treat that particular policeman because they were actually trying to hound him out of the force for doing his duty. I ignored that advice and suffered irreparable consequences. May God forgive the culprits.
I am so sad that it seems that those terrible days are back again.
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Yes it is true those terrible days are back again. But those who brought them back are all guilty , and those who did it out of spite will never forgive themselves.
Xoghol, gustizzja, libertà indeed.
In those terrible years, a colleague of mine, while on duty, was beaten up by a cabinet minister who also punched me in the face for looking on.
When we tried to report the incident at the police station, the duty officer became white in the face and we told him not to worry as there was no need to forward the report.
And yet, when Dr. Gonzi and many of us pointed out that voting in Joseph Muscat and his cronies was going back to the terrible Mintoff/KMB times, we were considered alarmists. Even people who had lived those times voted PL.
Perhaps the two years of Alfred Sant – lulled them into the belief that labour had changed. They believed Joseph’s promises and didn’t see him for what he really is – a smiling face with a heartless,cold disposition only wanting to be PM at any cost.
The roadmap and other gimmicky phrases were just that – no solid foundation. Now we’re paying the price.
There was a period in time when the Police Force was growing in trust.
May I remind you of the man who could have achieved this had he had more time.
To set the record straight; Guido de Marco’s appreciation of Alfred Calleja’s good qualities as a police officer and that really deserved “all the praise he could get” developed rather late and only after the Minister’s first preference proved totally inadequate to control the MLP mobs under Lorry Sant taking over control of Republic Street and ransacking the Law Courts ad lib for days on end.
I concur with the account of Police Commissioner Alfred Calleja superb investigative skills without ever resorting to the violent methods associated with his predecessor.
If it had not been for the professionalism of Dr. Francis Saliba as the Police Medical Officer during the Golden Years many police officers would have had to be treated at Mount Carmel Hospital.
During the 25 years of PN administrations we were all free to criticize, make jokes and generally make fun of the government without fear. The word fear was non existent. Now it’s back.
It’s the Communist way of instilling fear in the people. Even the way government departments have been taken over by party henchmen, the Nomenklatura, smacks of communist style policies.
The plundering of the nation is now complete.
Din mhux l-istess wahda li qalek fuq dik in-Nursing Officer Nazzjonalista li kienu nehhewha malli telghu?