That’s why it was so important to listen to what Labour said before the election, rather than just hearing it and getting carried away with the excitement
January 19, 2014 at 1:39pm
This was just before the general election. The people who had become sucked up into the Jim Jones/Guyana cult either did not notice or did not listen.
Those of us who noticed and listened were rubbished as hysterical, negative and bought by the PN.
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You don’t need to read, you just need to look at the picture.
Time to get those Alex Sceberras Trigona photos back out. Especially the one with Toni Abela.
We were rubbished as hysterical people living in the past and not understanding that this Muscat LP was something new and squeaky clean.
Haven’t the credulous gullible shifters been given a most salutary lesson as soon as they voted hoping for a Malta Taghna Lkoll! Vote in haste and repent at leisure over the following years.
Can’t help saying it. We told you so.
‘I cannot think of any other reason for George Vella, then a rabid anti-EU NO campaigner and now among the EU’s prime advocates, to have said at a public meeting during the referendum that I was helping the YES campaign because I had had a financial disaster and that I was a “miskin” who needed the Nationalists to feed me.’ – Joe Grima (Former MLP Minister)
The MLP has no real principles, only fake principals.
Din it-tip ta’ politika fis-sustanza hi kolonjali ta’ xi sebghin sena ilu.
Ma hadthiex bi kbira meta qalha Karmnu l-Guy. Wara kollox dik kienet il-mizerabbli, fjakka politika ta’ Mintoff, il-gran alla tieghu – ifittex il-baqra li ser jehleb.
Din hija forma ta’ politika li timxi fuq one-way ticket: gib ‘l hawn, tiehux ‘l hemm. Il-politika ta’ Ehleb lir-Regina, ghax dik ghandha minn fejn.
Ghall-Labour issa sar twemmin li ma tghidx ‘let’s not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs’, imma minflok tghid EHLEB IL-BAQRA LI L-AKTAR GHANDHA LIRI. Iva, liri – ghax din il-politika inholqot minnhom fi zmien il-valuta tal-lira u minn dak inhar ‘l hawn ma nbidlu f`xejn.
Dawn jahsbu li l-politika kemm interna, internazzjonali kif ukoll eknonomika ta; pajjiz hi dik tal-hanut tal-kafe fil-pjazza ta’ xi rahal.
Joseph Muscat bhalissa jinsab imdawwar minn antikalji taz-zmien immuffat ta’ Mintoff u KMB, Ewroxettici ghall-ahhar u li lanqas biss jindenjaw ruhhom jirrispettaw lilhom infushom u jghidu kemm hadna, u biex nuza kliemhom, kemm hliebna ewros mill-Ewropa.
Ma hawnx belt jew rahal f’ Malta li fi zmien jew iehor ma kellux kartellun juri progetti li saru jew mill-fondi tal-Ewropa jew bl-ghajnuna finanzjarja tal-Ewropa.
Lanqas ghandhom dicenza jammettu li filwaqt li qed jaraw bicca passaport u bicca cittadinanza, bir-rispett dovut lejn il-passaport Malti u c-cittadinanza Maltija, u l-karus li hi l-Ewropa. IL KARUS LI HI L EWROPA. Iridu ikissru dan il-karus ghas-semplici raguni li jridu li jekk ma jilghabux il-loghba taghhom, ihassru kollox.
Actually, il-ftehim mal-UE MA JISTAX jinbidel. That’s what Cameron is pretending to do, and he was told again and again that a-la-carte choices don’t exist, which is why he now ostensibly also wants to ‘reform’ the EU, together with other member states.
That’s right ‘reform the EU’: like having ‘less Europe’ instead of ‘more Europe’? But that’s like asking Uncle Stalin in 1933 to reform the Soviet Union by giving some powers back to the ‘Soviet Socialist Republics’.
Cameron is of course playing to his own voters, who are defecting to UKIP in droves. Il-Guy was at the time playing to Labour eurosceptics, hoping they’d believe him (he may have believed it himself, for all I know).
Just watch Joseph’s mentor speak about dignity 3:36 .
Fenech Adami did bring dignity to our country, he never went out to beg for money ,and new productive jobs came our way. Karmenu Vella does not appreciate the dignity and respect our country painstakingly gained in the past 25 years.
Some things never change.We’re back to those dark years.By the open shirted Guy’s standards those were “the golden years”.
Rhetoric has always been their forte.