The Daily Mail, yesterday: Malta put alongside Bulgaria and Romania as providing EU passports to people who will flood into Britain

Published: January 1, 2014 at 10:52pm

Our government had best ready itself for a flood of really negative coverage that only reflects the really negative sentiments its scheme has provoked.

Tacking on the requirement to rent for five years and hold Maltese stocks for the same period has not made a blind bit of difference – because there is NO difference.

Daily Mail 31 December 2013

7 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Here’s more:

    How can anyone be sure the minister won’t be taking bribes?

  2. Edward says:

    Oh no! Not the daily Mail. I suppose it was only a matter of time.

  3. Gahan says:

    Joseph Muscat can scrap the passport Christmas Grand Sale and switch to plan B; which he hadn’t.

    So Gahan is suggesting the legalization of pot. Less prisoners at Corradino and more income for the government – more jobs, and together with Refalo’s religious tourism, we will have Marijuana Tourism. Everyone should be “happy”.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Add half a dozen nudist beaches and I’m in. Smokin’ pot in the sun, with the breeze whistling through the pass. Now that’s progress.

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