The Danish prime minister wasn’t available, so the Maltese prime minister went straight to Plan E

Published: January 1, 2014 at 11:01pm

If David Cameron and Barack Obama can make a selfie famous, our man is not going to be left out.

What the Helle copy

17 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    Xi hlew.

  2. Joseph Caruana says:

    “Miċxell, ara kemm ġejna najss!”

  3. David J Camilleri says:

    Hi Daphne, I think that our Dear Leader and his missus went straight to Plan Z would have been more appropriate, don’t you think.

  4. observer says:

    Is it granny with her toy-boy?

  5. Gahan says:

    The difference is that this Michelle is smiling.

  6. ciccio says:

    Keep Calm and Take a Selfie with Joseph Muscat.

  7. Mallia says:

    And it looks like Michelle “photobombed” Joseph Muscat’s selfie.

  8. AG says:

    And our Michelle is smiling.

  9. Django says:

    Michelle Muscat tant hi tolleranti li qed tidhak u qed tixxabbat biex tidhol fir-ritratt. Ara Michelle Obama dehret mahruqa.

    Hekk tkun progressist……tigbed ritratt mal-imbarazz Laburista ta’ mohh miftuh bl-gherf ta’ Mintoff

  10. Banana republic ... Again says:

    I’m not sure, though to me it seems like the screen has an exclamation mark and says “locked”. It also shows a person on his or her own rather that Joseph and the woman. Possibly that’s why there’s a look of bewilderment on the woman’s face.

    • ciccio says:

      That “locked” message is probably a protective measure on the mobile device. He may have hit several buttons at once with his Maltese sausage fingers.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Funny, innit? The other Michelle (tal-Barrani) was upstaged by a fit, pert Nordic, botoxed to the gunwales according to my Danish sources, but more than a match for any woman her age.

    Our Michelle, meanwhile, is fighting for attention with an old hag, all but forgotten by her husband in the heat of the selfie moment.

    Aye, the perils of celebrity marriage.

  12. Victor says:

    The look on Muscat’s face! The man is definitely in love with himself. And poor Michelle, trying her best to be included.

  13. GiovDeMartino says:

    Dik qed tibki, jew?

  14. Denis says:

    Love the dark shades.

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