The Economist Group is to hold a conference in Malta in March

Published: January 24, 2014 at 9:56am

The Economist

What a brilliant idea – because give a wild guess as to what is going to dominate the discussion about Malta?

And look, there’s the parliamentary secretary Edward Zammit Lewis taking over the proceedings again and addressing the press himself. His minister, Chris Cardona, is largely invisible, while he dominates the show time and time again.

There are people who actually don’t know that he’s just a PS and that he’s got a minister for a boss, or that this minister is the invisible Cardona.

What’s going on here?

21 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Chris Cardona will be the scapegoat for the rise in unemployment.

  2. gigi says:

    Minister Cardona is not seen because he is celebrating a huge occasion. Only yesterday we were told that three factories in Gozo will be be increasing their workforce by about 40 people in a year’s time. That’s fantastic, eh! Unemployment problem solved.

    • janeff says:

      He could not find one single employer in Malta who is planning expansion. So he went over to Gozo.

      Who knows. Maybe the caper factory will be resuscitated.

  3. La Redoute says:

    Inews’ headline’s wrong. The conference is f’Malta, not dwar Malta.

  4. Paddling Duck says:

    Preparing for a major reshuffle, perhaps? ‘Ha jidra bil-lest?’

  5. observer says:

    Is Cardona losing his famed ‘pole position’ to an underling?

  6. We are living in Financial Times says:

    We trust that John Peet and John Andrews are fully aware of the Government’s opaque agenda and who it is being driven by.

    Have they carried out proper intelligence on the Malta’s Government’s with Shiv Nair?

  7. Nik says:

    Did the PM or any government minister go to Davos?

    • M. says:

      I doubt it. Rest assured that, had any of them been, the fact would have been trumpeted on every news broadcast since.

      I have no doubt that the only reason Muscat was present at the World Economic Forum in China last summer was because he was invited by the Chinese government, not by Klaus Schuab.

  8. Kukkurin says:

    Edward Zammit Lewis does happen to be one of the better faces the Labour government can actually put forward. In spite of having the largest cabinet ever, the Prime Minister is rather hard pressed for calibre, presentability and credibility.

  9. random says:

    One of the speakers at this conference will be the disgraced former BP CEO Tony Hayward, who was responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

    No one in the USA or EU wants to touch Tony Hayward with a barge pole, except Malta’s Labour government which is boasting about his connection with Malta. In fact, Tony Hayward as CEO of Genel Energy will be responsible for the drilling of a well south of Malta under Maltese licence.

    Let’s hope he won’t leave the mess he left in the Gulf of Mexico.

    • ciccio says:

      Another speaker is Lord Peter Mandelson. Enough said – and I must clarify that I am speaking on a political level only here.

  10. P Shaw says:

    The cover page for the Economist edition Jan 25 – 31, 2014 is “China loses its allure”.

  11. P Shaw says:

    In the current edition of The Economist:

    Siphoning off China’s wealth
    A prominent political campaigner, Xu Zhiyong, went on trial in China, charged with “gathering crowds to disrupt public order”. He is one of several to be tried this week from an activist group that has argued for the public disclosure of official assets. A report, based on leaked documents from firms that set up offshore companies and accounts, accused China’s elite of establishing many such vehicles in tax havens abroad.

  12. Victor says:

    I wonder whether all the elves writing on the comments board, and the Labour media for that matter, have truly understood and analysed the comment made by Mr Andrews:

    “It is important that Malta punches above its weight,” he said adding that it seems that it had done so having come out of the financial crisis practically unscathed. “This is a tribute,” he said.

    The conference, Mr Andrews said, would serve for others to learn from Malta’s experience and for Malta to learn from others.

    Do they realise that this tribute is due to the previous administration?

    Unfortunately we will not be hearing or receiving favourable comments about Malta for long. As we have been seeing. It is the contrary.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      “It is important that Malta punches above its weight.”

      Labour seems to have understood: “It is important that Malta punches below the belt.”

  13. Gahan says:

    Conferences, speakers, CHOGM, Marseilles bla, bla bla. Where’s the beef?

    What new employment opportunities will be created by these Machiavellian attention-seekers?

    Army personnel, police and civil servants, will work overtime. Taxi drivers and garages will earn some more money and our hotels will be full of VIPs enjoying freebies while riding piggyback on their countrymen.

    And that’s about it. Then what?

  14. Matthew S says:

    Now that the government has found a new appreciation for The Economist Group (it was boasting about this conference on TVM yesterday), let’s ask Joseph Muscat what he thinks of this week’s edition of The Economist. The cover says it all.

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