The European Parliament’s Socialist Group has joined forces with the European People’s Party, the Liberals and the Greens against Malta’s “EU citizenship for sale”

Published: January 15, 2014 at 12:46pm


The Socialist Group, home to the four Labour Maltese MEPs in the European Parliament, has joined forces with the European People’s Party (EPP), the Liberals (ALDE) and the Greens to co-sign a cross party joint resolution on ‘EU Citizenship for Sale’.

19 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    Mhux bil fors,jekk dak Simon qied jordnalhom hekk.
    Kemm hu powerful il PN.
    Dan zgur tilef l’elezjoni 36,000 vot?

  2. albona says:

    The non-aligned group may be the best choice for the PL. They may have the numbers this time to form a Far-Right grouping.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    Whenever Labour is in government, sooner or later they revert to their traditional paranoia.

    With Labour it’s always “the world envying Malta”, “the world against Malta”, “the world competing with Malta”, “the world picking on Malta”, “the world bullying Malta” . . .

    They never change do they?

  4. Lomax says:

    Would you believe it that some people are really convinced that it was the PN which, through its network of power, manipulated the world press and the European Parliament?

    I was astouneded when one of them told me blatantly that it was the Opposition who pulled the right strings for the matter to be reported to the world. Incredible. How can they be so effing gullible?

    • Neil says:

      I share your exasperation/disbelief at their gullibility, but at the same people like that don’t worry me to any major extent. They will always exist. I still retain some faith in general human nature and intelligence.

      • Lomax says:

        I have to admit I have lost all faith in a huge section of the Maltese population. But then again, I was never particularly fond of our own people (I’m ashamed to admit).

      • La Redoute says:

        They should worry you. Some of them are running the country.

    • Josette says:

      The Opposition – so powerful everywhere but in Malta.
      Labour supporters – gullible everywhere including in Malta

  5. ciccio says:

    Can the prime minister tell us who is isolating himself here?

    Prime minister Joseph Muscat is undermining European values.

    Joseph Muscat is once again distancing Malta from Europe.

  6. Spock says:

    Perhaps that is where his ‘ kannink plen ‘ and ‘rowd mepp’ is ultimately leading – to get us kicked out of the EU

    • Last Post says:

      I believe such a resolution is not binding. But the long-term harm to Malta’s reputation and the diplomatic caution vis-a-vis Malta is even more repugnant.

  7. Jozef says:

    Wonder what Sharon’s UKIP wants.

    Lots of funds for her next alliance I suppose.

  8. victorio says:

    X’hin raw li kollha kontra ix- xiri tac- cittadinanza qalu mhux sew tissemma Malta biss . Pulcinelli f’idejn Dr Muscat . Povvra Malta taghna lkoll .

  9. AE says:

    Another extraordinary feat for Muscat : he has managed to unify the European Parliament.

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