The government not only fails to distinguish itself from ‘Malta’, but it also fails to distinguish itself from the Labour Party
Just look at this appalling press release, which is indistinguishable from the sort of statement which would ordinarily be made by the Labour Party.
No distinction is being made, in thought, word or deed, between party and government.
In the government’s formal and informal communications, there should be no such references to political parties of whatever hue, still less antagonistic and challenging ones in a hissy-fit tone.
The government is the government is the government. It is not the Labour Party and it most certainly is not ‘Malta’.
Also, the government has no business getting itself embroiled in bickering of this nature. The correct response to fully justified public disgust at an army helicopter being sent to collect a backbencher from her home in Gozo is: ‘We realise now that this was an error of judgement. Better planning will ensure that it does not happen again.’
This government’s downfall will – I strongly suspect – be due to its inability to admit error and its insecurity in believing that any admission of error is a sign of weakness rather than of self-assurance, self-confidence and strength.
Put simply, it lacks grace.
It also lacks logic: Justyne Caruana is a backbencher, not the prime minister or the president, for whom the use of army helicopters is reserved exclusively. Like must be compared with like. It is Mrs Caruana’s use of the army helicopter for a single trip which is outrageous, not the former prime minister’s use of it for several trips.
How many times has the current prime minister used an army helicopter or a private plane? That is the comparison that should be made – and for accuracy’s sake, Muscat’s one year in power should not be compared with Gonzi’s nine years, but with his first.
Reference Number: PR140120, Press Release Issue Date: Jan 24, 2014
Il-Gvern uża l-ħelikopter tal-Armata għal raġuni nazzjonali. Id-deputat Dr Justyne Caruana kienet fuq xogħol Parlamentari f’isem pajjiżna.
Dan b’differenza għall-amministrazzjoni tal-Partit Nazzjonalista li użat ħelikopter, u anke ajruplan tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta, biex l-Prim Ministru ta’ dak iz-zmien imur ghal festini, ikliet u kunċerti. F’okkażjoni minnhom saħansitra ntużat l-armata biex il-Kap tal-PN, li kien Prim Ministru, jmur għal laqgħa tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fi Sqallija.
L-assi tal-Gvern f’dan il-każ intuża biex Malta tkun rappreżentata fil-Parliamentary Assembly for the Mediterranean.
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Who else had a Freudian slip and misread “L-assi tal-Gvern”?
Would “Axis of Evil” be misreading it?
The statement fails to recognise that Mrs Caruana represented Malta’s parliament – and, therefore, its people – not Malta itself, which Muscat and his cronies erroneously conflate with his government.
X’pastazata ta’ stqarrija.
Huwa car li min kiteb din l-istqarrija huwa delettant gej minn xi kumitat ta’ xi kazin tal-lejber mhux ufficcjal professjonali mis-servizz pubbliku.
Prova akbar ta’ dak li qeghda tghid inti huwa dan l-artiklu fit-Times
Dan juri kemm il-Partit Laburista jinqeda bi flus il-poplu imbasta jirbah il-voti. B’mod kapriccuz u b’mottiv politiku kien bellaghha lin-nies li l-gvern Malti kien qed jintaxxa l-VAT fuq ir-registrazzjoni tal-karozzi b’mod irregolari.
Fil-verita’ l-Qorti Ewropeja kienet iddecidiet f’kawza li kienet saret kontra l-Portugal li dan il-pajjiz kien korrett meta kien qed jintaxxa l-VAT fuq ir-registrazzjoni tal-karrozzi bhalma kien isir f’Malta.
Imma f’Malta, l-gvern ta’ Joseph Muscat b’mod kapriccuz, se jqassam 30 miljun ewro lil min ma kellux dritt johodhom, minn buti u butek, minn flus il-poplu kollu. Ghax ghall-lejber, gvern, partit u Malta huma l-istess u allura l-flus ta’ Malta huma tal-gvern u tal-Partit Laburista.
To say nothing of all the spelling mistakes!
I was under the impression that the Labour Party was voted in for CHANGE, so why is it constantly comparing itself to the PN in government, using the usual “araw huma x’ghamlu”/tu quoque argument.
Grazzi lil Corto Maltese talli tana definizzjoni tajba ta’ din il-POLITIKA GDIDA, li hadd hlief Muscat ma kien kapaci johlom biha: il-politika li thares u tfittex u ssib x`ghamlu l-ohrajn, timxi fuq dak li ghamlu huma u bl-iskuza tal-amministrazzjoni precedenti taghmel aghar milli ghamlu huma. Definizzjoni cara aktar minn hekk ma jistax ikollna. Gejja minghand Muscat stess. Dik politika gdida bit-tikketta skaduta.
So is this approved by Corto? He should be held accountable for this Mugabe-style communication.
“Id-deputat Dr Justyne Caruana kienet fuq xogħol Parlamentari f’isem pajjiżna.”
How melodramatic.
Back to the Golden Years. Malta got what it deserved.
The AFM helicopter was deployed for Justyne Caruana, but not for those hundreds who perished at sea after hours of desperate pleas for help.
The contrast in priority couldn’t be starker.
This government’s standard of judgement is pitiful.
I would also say criminal.
L-assi tal-Gvern? Forsi ghandi zball, imma l-assi huma tal-istat mhux tal-gvern