The president of the Malta Developers Association has been given an office at the Labour Party’s headquarters

Published: January 27, 2014 at 2:38am
Sandro Chetcuti with Dom Mintoff and another old dog at Delimara.

Sandro Chetcuti with Dom Mintoff and another old dog at Delimara.

Sandro Chetcuti, newly elected president of the Malta Developers Association, has been given an office for his personal/party use at the Labour Party’s headquarters.

17 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Nice. So the Labour Headquarters is now officially or unofficially the headquarters of the Malta Developers Association.

  2. Rumplestiltskin says:

    These people have no shame, no ethics, no idea of proper behaviour. How far down the pit of indecency they have pulled this country in just a few months.

  3. M. says:

    Love the caption.

  4. gigi says:

    Why didn’t they set up a boxing-ring in the Victor Tedesco stadium and make him sit there?

  5. Alexander Ball says:

    No need for a police good conduct form then, hey?

  6. giraffa says:

    Payback time. Il-hnizrijiet jkomplu b’mod sfaccjat. Jigifieri issa jekk qed tfittex permess tal-bini ‘jahraq’, tmur tkellem lil Sandro f’MLP HQ, u jaghddilhek kelma.

    Din xi skema ohra ta’ investiment – din id-darba fil-Partit Laburista?

    Could you imagine the PN in government even considering such things? We have become immune to Labour’s corruption because we did not expect any better.

  7. pablo says:

    The tail wagging the dog? Labour Party has reduced itself to a well paid lobby group in the interest of the MDA, Henley&Partners, Ex-Super One Reporters Union and an assortment of incompetent inserts.

  8. Calculator says:

    Where’s what’s-her-face the environmentalist now?

  9. PWG says:

    This is quite unbelievable. I just hope Maltarightnow got it wrong. If it hasn’t the decision must rank amongst the worst taken by the government so far. Who in his right senses can support such a move.

  10. The members of the Malta Developers Association elected Sandro Chetcuti as their president. They knew what they were voting for. The same goes for the electorate that voted for the PL to govern Malta.

    What was the motive behind these decisions?

    • Last Post says:

      Kif setgħu ma jivvutawlux meta kien hu li ressaqhom quddiem Joseph Muscat qabel l-elezzjoni biex jeqirdu kemm ħaqarhom il-Gvern ta’ Gonzi?

      Kif setgħu ma jivvutawlux meta wara l-elezzjoni ingħata kemm-il kariga f’bordijiet tal-Gvern?

      Kif setgħu ma jivvutawlux issa li għandu uffiċċju fit-tielet sular tac-Ċentru Nazzjonali Laburista?

      Kif jistgħu ma jivvutawlux iktar w iktar issa li qed narawh spalla ma’ spalla ma’ Mintoff, l-eroj tal-Prim Ministru li wikkewna bih?

      Tghid, dawk li kienu vvutaw PN qabel u vvutaw għ, għadhom jaħsbu li l-Gvern ta’ Gonzi ma setax ikun iktar korrott?

      • If people vote inspired with such mentality, and I agree that this was the case, they should not be surprised that they are treated as serfs to please a person they chose as their lord.

  11. zaren says:

    Welcome to China…….

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