The press is free as long as it doesn’t step on Joseph’s toes
Nathaniel Attard, who heads the Nationalist Party’s newsroom, has released the statement below about pressure being brought to bear so that investigations into the Chinese billionaire who bought a Maltese passport will cease.
Why do I take it for granted that the Chinese man in question has bought his passport already? Simple: there’s only one reason he would have flown to Malta: to collect it and take his oath of allegiance. Everything in the application process can be done remotely.
He didn’t fly in to fill his application form in handwriting on Henley’s desk or pay in physical bank notes, did he.
God alone knows what’s going on right now. I doubt even most cabinet ministers do. They’re being kept as much in the dark as the rest of us are.
Stqarrija mill-Kap tat-Taqsima tal-Ahbarijiet ta’ Communications Nathaniel Attard
Nagħmel referenza għall-istorja li qed tidher fil-mezzi tax-xandir dwar il-biljunarju Ċiniż li, skont il-ġurnali lokali The Sunday Times u l-Orizzont, jinsab Malta sabiex jiltaqa’ mal-kumpanija Henley & Partners bl-iskop li jixtri ċ-ċittadinanza.
Il-Kamra tal-Aħbarijiet li mmexxi jien ħasset li kien fl-interess pubbliku li ssir investigazzjoni serja dwar din l-istorja, u għaldaqstant segwejna din l-istorja l-għada li ġiet żvelata, nhar it-Tnejn li għadda.
Fis-sigħat li għaddew, saret pressjoni kbira biex il-Kamra tal-Aħbarijiet li jien responsabbli minnha tieqaf tinvestiga din l-istorja, li komplejna nsegwu nhar it-Tnejn billi ġbidna filmati tal-grupp li kien qed jakkumpanja lill-biljunarju Ċiniż fl-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta, fosthom anke persuna Taljana li għamlet ġesti oxxeni u kellmet ħażin lill-ġurnalisti, kif inhu d-dritt tagħna li ninvestigaw.
Saħansitra l-ġurnal MaltaToday żvela kif il-Gvern għamel pressjoni fuq l-awtoritajiet tal-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta, li hi kumpanija privata, biex jagħmlu investigazzjoni biex isibu s-sors ta’ dan l-aħbar.
Is-sors tal-istorja tagħna hu The Sunday Times, li ngħata scoop mill-uniċi entitajiet li setgħu jkunu jafu bl-espressjonijiet tal-interess li saru, jiġifieri Henley & Partners, bl-approvazzjoni tal-Gvern.
Irrid infakkar li l-awtoritajiet tal-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta wkoll iddikjaraw li għall-istorja li għamilna nhar it-Tnejn, ma kellna bżonn l-ebda permess u ma ksirna l-ebda regolament għax konna qegħdin niġbdu f’post pubbliku u fl-ebda ħin ma ngħatajna aċċess għal xi żona fejn il- filming huwa ristrett.
Bħala Kap tal-Kamra tal-Aħbarijiet ta’ Media.Link Communications, ninsisti li fl-interess tal-libertà tal-istampa, li hu dritt fundamentali tal-bniedem, l-awtoritajiet għandhom jipproteġu lill-mezzi tax-xandir fil-ħidma tagħhom u mhux isibu mezzi kif ixekklu l-ħidma tagħhom u jintimidawhom.
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One of these breifcases in Sai Mizzi’s hands is all they need.
Has anybody thought of contacting the Chinese Embassy for their feedback regarding this incident? It would be interesting to gauge their reaction, if any. I’m serious.
I wonder why the Chinese billionaire and his friends did not pass through passport control and through airport security
The Chinese are coming! Now the visit to China in 2010 by Dr. Muscat start to make a lot of sense. He still refuses to divulge the contents of that agreement but we can now start to understand some of its clauses.
Is it that difficult for a Nationalist MP to stand up in Parliament and put a straightforward question to Minister Mallia, asking whether ANY Maltese passports have been handed over already under this scheme?
Whatever the answer, it cannot but have significant implications.
What you wrote makes sense, but could they really be that barefaced to issue a Maltese passport anonymously after all that talk about amending the law to make it more transparent. There has to be away to find out.
Yes, they certainly could. No doubt about that, my friend. The law has NOT been amended as yet, and the relative Legal Notice has been issued – free of any reference to the Minister’s assurances that the ‘secrecy’ clause will be dropped. The only way to find out is through some Identity Malta/Passport Office official spilling the beans – and probably his blood in the aftermath.
Maybe we should write to Chinese embassies abroad, they are staffed by spies and they pass the message on to Chinese authorities.