THREE former One News women propagandists are on the state payroll at Konrad Mizzi’s ministry
January 6, 2014 at 12:45pm
They’re Miriam Dalli, Lindsey Gambin and Krista Caruana. Norman Vella highlighted this on Facebook today. I’m guessing they didn’t do themselves any favours by arresting him like that.
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We Three Queens of Super One are
Receiving gifts from Konrad whose wife is afar…
Well, Mrs Mizzi is hidden away somewhere in Shanghai, isn’t she? Mr Mizzi must be terribly lonely.
If you have nothing better to do this evening …
I wonder whether this was included in his biography..
Konrad Mizzi must fancy himself as some kind of 007 surrounded by the Lidl version of Bond girls.
Fuq tlieta toqghod il-borma ta’ Konrad.
L-arroganza tal-klikka privilegjata tal-PL bla limitu.
Which interests will Saviour be protecting here: Birdlife’s, or Labour’s?
Fejn hu l-oraklu tal-verita’, Saviour Balzan?
Dan jorqod fejn jidhol il-Partit Laburista. Tisimghu jitkellem dan jisthajjel lilu nnifsu bhala l-fonti ta’ l-gherf, tal- verita, tal-gustizzja ecc ecc. Subajgh dritt – u mela mhux hekk – u jitmasshan biex taparsi juri kemm hu herqan ghas-sewwa.
Ghadu ghaddej idoqq qanpiena wahda u jaseb li l-ftit qarreja li baqaghlu huma cwiec.
Kemm ghandu x’jikteb fuq il-PL hekk irid imma l-hobza ta’ kuljum hemm qiegheda.
Insult kontinwu ghal intelligenza tal-qarrej. Ilek li tlift l-integrita’ gurnalistika , Salv. Naf li ndunajt imma tibqa’ tippersisti.
Trid tarah fil-programm Reporter. Tibda tghid meta ha tohrog il-mistoqsija. U meta tohrog, tghid din x’mistoqsija hi.
Kemm qed ippappuha tajjeb dawn il-forcini homor nar. Viva l-klikka Laburista.
Daphne, you and Norman are the brightest beacon in the murky depths of oblivion into which we have been plunged. Do keep up the good work.
I would like to comment if I may, as it has nothing to do with the above, that the prime minister is absolutely shameless, to say the least, ruling out a secret vote re gay adoption, because, he claims, it had been clearly laid down in the electoral manifesto. And what about prostituting the country? That was intentionally not mentioned for obvious reasons. What nerve, throwing away our dignity so casually – the government does not have the people’s vote to do that as it was not included in the electoral programme. .
What does gay adoption have to do with the citizenship for sale fiasco? Please let’s not confuse matters.
I happen to think that it is about time that gay people stop being humiliated at every turn and be granted the right to form a family with their loved one, the same as everybody else – and a family includes children.
That’s no skin off my nose, and neither is it off anybody else’s, so why should there be a vote in the first place? This is a question of minority rights and human dignity and those are never up to the vote.
I was not linking the two issues; the point I was making was that the PM used the electoral programme as an excuse to rule out a secret vote in parliament while on the other hand doing something so degrading as selling citizenship without ever mentioning it before the election, proof of his knowledge that it isn’t a move that would find favour.
While the cat’s away in Shanghai, the mouse will play…with Miriam, Krista and Lindsey.
The mouse comes at a premium, it gets very well paid to stay away.
Ma xebghux jerdghu dawn? Dawn in-nisa kollha ma saqajh – mela qed jimmissja l-martu?
I’ve successfully managed, for ten months now, to completely avoid having to listen to Konrad Mizzi speak. Radio, TV, online video reports, nothing (not having any Maltese channels at home does help). I simply cannot STAND to watch and/or hear the man.
He doesn’t do much speaking anyway. Has anybody heard anything about the status of the new power station he’s having built?
He’s building a power station? Where, in China?
I actually enjoy watching him. He is the only comedy I watch.
Great……and he sends his wife packing back to China. Ha, ha, ha.
Bit-trasport pubbliku lura ghand il-gvern nisperaw li ma narawx mill-gdid lil kullhadd jaghmel li jrid.
Ezempju: Bus 436, linja 81. hin 21.45 data 6 ta’ Jannar, 2014. Jaqbez id-dawl ahmar int u hiereg minn Tarxien Road ghal tal-Barrani, meta tal-Barrani qaleb ghal ahdar: u kwazi ghamel habta.
Until the public transport is under government control, imposing discipline on drivers and employees is going to be a nightmare.
That is, of course, assuming that Transport Malta will want to impose discipline.
They’re really milking that cash-cow.
On Radio 101 this morning there was an item about the Gozo Minister, who said that he had declared only his MP’s salary for the past year because he was too taken up with looking after his aged parents to do any other work.
The journalists seem to have dug up a large number of contracts etc which he signed – in the thousands.
I wish they had made a simple calculation and divided declared earnings by contracts as I’m sure the amount would be risible.
Anyway, confronted by these figures and information and asked to explain, all Anton Refalo could say was that he had nothing more to add.
Hopefully, these contracts will be published.
Yes. Unacceptable. I’m morally convinced there are more thousands of euros “to add.”
They just make me sick…
Can anybody explain to me what Miriam Dalli knows about water and energy, that she has been appointed a consultant on the subject in that ministry? So many so called ( of these kinds) consultants – no wonder so many fiascoes are made daily.
That Jimmy Magro – what a cheek. He expects us not to ask or even know how much of our taxes he is taking. He has so many mouths and eats with all of them.
Oh, so that must be the reason why Miriam Dalli walks down Merchants Street with her nose in the air and that everyone-look-at-me-I’m-important look.
Kollha jithanzru kemm jifilhu u il- bhahan li tawhom il-vot bl-isperanza li jakkwistaw xi haga, jikkuntentaw bil-loqom, filwaqt li il-pajjiz sejjer tletin sena lura.
[Daphne – Not really. Miriam Dalli has that ‘nose in the air’ look about her because, like very many microscopically short people who are self-conscious about their lack of height – she’s tiny even in hooker heels – she tilts her chin up when walking. You’ll notice that a lot of really short people do this, men and women.]
B’xi mod nista nifhem li the mouse would play ma’ Miriam (avolja tacky, imma hej, ma tistax tkun choosy), imma t-tnejn l-ohra….
Rich getting richer … that’s all that matters.
“Ser nibnu Mittell Kless gdida.”
Beato fra le donne: the new Super One soap.
Naqbel mieghek 100% fl-ewwel bicca tat-tieni paragrafu, imma li jaddottaw it-tfal assulutament ma naqbel xejn.
Ahna min ahna biex niddettaw lil tarbija li m’ghandix ‘say’?
M’ghandi assulutament xejn kontra l-gays u meta nghid xejn ifisser xejn, ghax binti stess hija gay.
“I look at Malta and the EU as equal partners” – Miriam Dalli . TMI pg 6/7
Ms. Dalli, it seems that you have never accepted the fact that Malta chose to become a member of the European Union. Whether you like it or not, you can never be an equal partner with an organisation/union of which you are already a member.
Unless , your aim is to get us out of the EU.