Well, Saviour, you’re the one who toiled 24/7 to put them in power

Published: January 27, 2014 at 3:38am

Of course, Saviour Balzan will say that he didn’t work to put Labour in power. No, he only worked to get Lawrence Gonzi voted out of power.

Same difference, Mr Obsessive Fixation. Too ruddy late, now.

Saviour Sandro

29 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Kemm trid thabbat rasek ma’ hajt, Salv.

    Tnejjek bik, id-Dottore Muscat, bl-gherf kollu li ghandek.

  2. The chemist says:

    What he really means is that he should have one as well. That is how theses leeches work.

  3. La Redoute says:

    He doesn’t know how to spell practice.

  4. anthony says:

    Labour never practices what it preaches, Mr Balzan.

    Anyone with microcephaly knows that, except you, it seems.

  5. Tabatha White says:

    Saviour, unfortunately, is like a woman who dresses to please others instead of herself; one with the mentality of dressing up to flirt with the ex’s “competition.”

    This is unfortunate, because he started out on an interesting angle.

    He should have enough self-confidence to stand on his own two feet. Media maturity should have had its learning curve and it is up to him alone if he has the guts to do what’s been nagging at him.

    His articles have the type of incoherence that show his heart isn’t in it.

    Useless blaming the Nationalist Party for Labour’s wrong-doing, or trying to excuse it that way.

  6. TinaB says:

    Hu go fik, Salv, kif jghid il-habib tieghek Franco Debono.

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    He fell for their policies like many others, despite them being too good to be true.The real problem wasn’t changing government but the bi-partisan mentality that led to this compelling disaster.

  8. francesca says:

    What a stupid fool he is – did he not realise what Labour are all about? First he makes sure all his family and wife’s family vote Labour then he questions their actions.

    I use to think I was of average intelligence, but the more time passes the more I realise that compared to half the population of Malta I’m a genius.

    [Daphne – His family always voted Labour. Saviour and Mariella Balzan, like Joseph Muscat, were raised on the joys and delights of Mintoff is-Salvatur. The difference is that unlike Muscat, they’re embarrassed of the fact – not because of the political implications, but because of the social ones.]

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    A little Matrenza prose is in order here.

    I am one of (the few?) who saw it all coming. I mean how difficult was it? It’s not like we haven’t been here before with Labour. They didn’t even make it hard for us to forecast their actions. Why, they even kept Mintoff’s people, and their leader is a self-declared Mintoff-worshipper.

    So we, the hoi polloi, were right. Now this is real life, not some intellectual game, as many of the switchers and their apologists would have it.

    In real life, we make choices. But Saviour Balzan seems to think that putting that Number 1 next to a PN candidate on the ballot-sheet makes you a Nazzjonalist inkallit. And that, my switcher friends, is infra dig.

    Well, is it? What about a Number 1 for Labour then? What is that? A vote for freedom, justice, rule of law, all good things in the world, and the res publica? The way I see it, it was a vote for the anti-European party. It was a vote for Mintoffianism. And it was a vote for the Politics of Revenge.

    In short, a vote for the things I abhor.

    Sure, corruption needed to be weeded out. But any fool can see that it hasn’t, and that in place of the few weeds of malpractice, and thorns of corruption, we now have a veritable jungle, planted by this Labour government.

    Saviour Balzan will say that there was no other way that the PN could be taught a lesson. Yes there was. If he hasn’t seen this, then he really shouldn’t be in the business of editing a newspaper. He has power beyond his ken. So do his fellow switcher-columnists.

    Did they use it to denounce corruption? No. They used it fly the banner of ruthless politicians in return for personal favours. Did they use it to shape public debate and political decision-making? No. They used it in the manner of hooligans supporting their team, caring nothing for reason and logic. Never once did they explain their choice in a rational manner.

    “Xibka ta’ korruzzjoni! Ghanqbuta ta’ poter! Hbieb tal-hbieb! Crieki go crieki!” I can still see the red-faced Saviour Balzan gasping his indignation.

    Well, he’d better dust off those videos now. Because we need the remastered version, redux, with director’s cut and commentary.

    Then we can sit him down for a viewing, Clockwork Orange style.

  10. Bini u kaċċa says:

    Salvu Balzan suppost hu kontra l-bini u kontra l-kaċċa.

    L-iżviluppaturi u l-kaċċaturi għallinqas huma konsistenti li vvutaw lil-Labour li wegħedhom li jibnu u jikkaċċjaw kemm iridu.

    Salvu Balzan ħadem bil-kbir biex jitla’ l-istess Labour maħkum mill-iżviluppaturi u ddominat mill-kaċċaturi.

    Meta Muscat ħa l-ġurament u kien dieħel Kastilja, Sandro Chetcuti daħal QABEL Muscat fl-uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru f’Kastilja.

    Salvu Balzan jieħu l-ewwel għall-inkonsistenza!

  11. xadina says:

    Everyone should read this and apply it to the current state of affairs, it’s fascinating.


  12. matt says:

    I wonder why Saviour now is distancing himself from Muscat?

  13. canon says:

    That was a signal to Joseph Muscat that he hasn’t received his iced bun yet.

  14. verita says:

    Exactly why is Saviour Balzan complaining now, when he ignored Anglu Farrugia’s eye-witness account, before the election, of key businessmen and their constant presence at Labour HQ?

    He didn’t think it worth investigating then, because his objective was to get Labour elected – sorry, to have Gonzi defeated.

  15. Jozef says:

    Saviour did everything to legitimise Labour, the theory being that only this could unite the country and make it ‘normal’.

    Labour chooses to rehabilitate people like Sandro Chetcuti, they conveniently believe his type should be included.

    It’s wayward Berlusconismo, a mindset which snaked itself into political dialogue rendering everything barbaric and in perpetual need of an enemy, comunisti, he’d cry, whenever cornered.

    Italy still hasn’t managed to shake him off, notwithstanding the umpteen internal revolts and splintering of his personal party.

    Hopefully, Labour’s propensity to digital politics and the delegate’s fetish for an invincible leader will render Muscat ever more the liability he is. It may sound perverse but Labour’s internal checks and balances are based on mutual unspoken distrust. Mintoff’s only lasting legacy you see.

    He just got an ultimatum from Mercieca, if that isn’t another open challenge.

  16. ciccio says:

    Hope he locks himself up in that Malta Today room and records a video blog about it, explaining for the benefit of those with a low IQ who read his papers why it’s shameful for Sandro Chetcuti to have an office at the PL headquarters.

    Does Sandro also get a parking space in the garage for the Ferrari?

    • La Redoute says:

      Isn’t it charming how Labour has always defined vulgarity as success and corruption as efficiency? They just drive Ferraris, now, rather than red Ford Escorts with chrome-plated bumpers.

  17. Last Post says:

    Haw’ Salv, mela ħsibt li għadek fi żmien meta ma’ Peppi, Wenzu u Toni waqqaftu l-Alternattiva. Possibli għadek ma tgħallimtx li l-idejaliżmu u l-opportuniżmu ma jmorrux flimkien?

    Għandek ċans tistenna lil-Lejber jagħmel dak li jippriedka! Serraħ rasek li l-legat ta’ Mintoff, minkejja dak li tixtieq, għadu b’saħħtu wisq.

  18. Freedom5 says:

    On another issue: the missing minutes of cabinet meetings when Dom Mintoff was prime minister. These minutes are not missing for the simple reason that Mintoff did not govern by collective cabinet decision, so there were no minutes.

    This is confirmed by Lino Spiteri’s article in today’s Times of Malta.

    I lived in Valletta in the Seventies, and I distinctly recall the very few occasions when Mintoff did hold a cabinet meeting at Castille, because word would spread that he was up to something deadly serious like nationalistion of some institution or the doctors lock-out.

    These rare meetings would run late into the night, with a very significant police presence in Valletta. Yes, the behaviour of a typical tyrant.

  19. Augustus says:

    Saviour, the boomerang is coming back, ho ho. he, he, ha ha.

  20. Maradona says:

    Is that the only thing Saviour Balzan does not like about this government? If he wants to, he has loads of stories with which to fill his now uninteresting newspaper, but he’s still obsessed with his now historic targets, like a stalker.

    • ciccio says:

      He mentioned a former Chairman of the Malta Enterprise – about whom he seems to have an obsession – on his Reporter today. He must be worried about those libel cases. The Malta Today Libel Fund must be running dry.

  21. TROY says:

    “So sorry, Saviour, I forgot to mention it to you before the election. Love, Joseph.”

  22. Gaetano Pace says:

    Preaching is for clerics and pulpits not politicians. Then there is the fourth floor which scared Anglu Farrugia out of his wits. Could it have been that Anglu saw Chetcuti there ? These were the signs of the times which our dear Saviour does not appear to have the ability to interpret correctly. At least not before they happen which is when Saviour realises that a rat passed by and he didn`t even smell it. Well done reporter post facta.

  23. Mango says:

    The truth it that Salvu’s/Roger’s Malta Today has become the mouthpiece of the Socialist regime.

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