What did the Labour Party do to deserve yet another bad leader? No, don’t answer that.
January 23, 2014 at 1:59am
The prime minister was challenged about the discretion which the law allows Manuel Mallia in selling Maltese passports to criminals.
(Manuel Mallia is an expert in criminals, has made his living off them, and is quite at home dealing with them.)
The prime minister replied in his usual tad-daqqiet ta’ harta manner, but this time with an offensive answer to top them all:
“Nelson Mandela was sent to prison. Was he a criminal?”
What did the Labour Party do to deserve this? A good leader isn’t somebody who knows how to win an election, but somebody who knows what to do after that.
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Jesus Christ , Saint Paul, Saint Peter and Saint John, were all sent to prison, but they were not criminals.
Your last sentence reminded me of a cartoon I once saw where a bus-chasing dog had actually caught one and was hanging by his teeth from the back bumper. The caption was: “What now?”
2 blondes qui sont ensemble…
L’une lui dit “J’ai passé une test de grossesse hier..”
L’autre qui repond: “Ah bon. C’etaient dure les questions?”
Nelson Mandela was sent to prison but was not a criminal.
On the other hand Mintoff, Lorry Sant and a few others never went to prison but . . .
What I say is, ‘What did we do to deserve all this?’
Mrs. Caruana Galizia, yesterday I saw you in Valletta and would have loved to have to honour to shake your hand. However I did not want to intrude on your privacy.
And I also wanted to tell you something else. Last Sunday I went to the PN Headquarters to listen to Dr. Busuttil’s speech.
I was standing on the stairs and had an overall view of all attending. What struck me was the fact that 95% of the people there were my age, people who like you and me fought tooth and nail for democracy.
There were only a few young people around, the young people who are reaping the fruits of our sacrifice when we were their age. So I retract and say, ‘Yes, no wonder we deserve all this.’
And I also say to these young people, ‘Wake up, smell the coffee and move your a……s from in front of your computers.’
Yes it is evident that Joseph Muscat has ran out of script. Perhaps he should start filling his war room again and send an sms to the Maltese ambassador in Washington.
The shady scheme which has been force-fed to us by a shady prime minister and his cowardly, clueless cabinet and ‘managed’ by a Teflon firm, is bound to attract the highest calibre of criminals, who would readily line the Labour Party’s coffers and a few pockets – so why refute their application?
The implication in the prime minister’s comment about Mandela is that he and Manwel Mallia will decide whether a convicted criminal is really a good man at heart, so what the heck. Due diligence, my eye.
I think that by this ‘daqqiet ta’ harta retort, J bloody M is already showing us that even if a prospective citizenship-buyer has a criminal record, he can still be accepted if God Almighty Mallia says it’s fine. We are slowly being pushed down the drain.
Famous quote: the trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.
So a political prisoner with money has a right to Maltese citizenship but one who arrives on a rickety boat, deserves to be sent back ?
The glaring hole in that particular argument is that Nelson Mandela is dead.
No one’s arguing about people who have been to prison. The question is about whether citizienship will be granted to criminals.
Just as some prisoners aren’t criminal, so it is that some criminals aren’t imprisoned.
The question Joseph Muscat refuses to answer is about the latter, not the former.
This quip was taken straight out of this Paxman interview…
An ignorant, short-sighted and ungrateful population gets the leader they deserve and god help us we seem to deserve this clown. Now the rest of the population have to live by his low standards for the next 4 years.
With China’s backing the PL could be in power for 30 years.
China wants a naval presence in the Mediterranean Sea to protect the northern top of its lucrative natural resource continent called Africa.
Malta always makes a perfect base for naval ships.
Absolutely spot on.
I am sure Nelson Mandela would have dealt him a daqqa ta’ harta if he could.
Muscat jahseb li Malta kulhadd ebete bhalu.
Kieku m’hux hekk ma jkomplix jghid cucati bhal dawn.
Hallih lil Mandela, ja cucun ordnat.
Your last sentence says it all – “A good leader isn’t somebody who knows how to win an election, but somebody who knows what to do after that”.
Labour delegates elect their leader in their true image.
Would my letterbox and door bell be in danger of being blown to bits if I say that the Premier’s replies are: “tad-daqqiet ta’ harta?”
What about Eritreans fleeing their country to avoid the forced draft and serve under that bloodthirsty paranoid military regime?
It has to be seen whether his hypocrisy derives from plain ignorance or a hideous mentality.
“Nelson Mandela was sent to prison. Was he a criminal?”
It seems our ‘dear’ prime minister doesn’t know his history well. He knows only the late-in-life hagiography.