When George Farrugia’s “trusted friend” Ronnie Agius was fighting against extradition to Italy…
January 14, 2014 at 10:43am
…his lawyer and defence counsel was Manuel Mallia, now Minister for Home Affairs and – before that – legal counsel to George Farrugia’s brothers in their battle against him.
What a tangled web this is turning out to be.
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Now, Manuel Mallia again.
Yes, but Manwel got very well paid in both instances, I should presume. So why worry?
Everything is perfectly woven.
Like a giant jigsaw, all the pieces seem to be falling into place and we are getting a peep at the whole horrific picture.
What we are seeing is not surprising really, just a confirmation of what most of us already suspected and dismay at how much worse than our worst nightmare the situation actually is.
Sure, Spock!
No wonder Labour MPs are jumping in their seats and are visually uncomfortable every time this name surfaces. I suspect they know very well that this PAC charade will blow in their face sooner or later.
Manuel’s comment may be closer to the truth than one may think. In June, Malta Today reported senior police officials were questioning the presidential pardon and whether it should be revoked.
No wonder Mallia has half a million stacked under his mattress.
The individual pieces in the jigsaw puzzle are falling into place.
An idea of the completed picture is rapidly emerging.
And also whose dirty fingers are manipulating the puppets.
Crieki go crieki. Where is Emy Bezzina?
Miskin iehor.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave.”
Whilst reading your previous posts on the matter, I could not help but remember what Sir Humphrey Appleby had told the PM in the famous “Yes, Prime Minister”. By sheer coincidence, you mention the “tangled web”. It is indeed a very, very tangled web with scores of insects caught in it.