Why vote for Helga Ellul in the EP elections, when you can vote for Clint Camilleri because he’s the Qala mayor and youngest candidate?
January 20, 2014 at 10:13am
21 Comments Comment
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Ahh, but he’s a ‘perit’.
That picture is begging for a caption competition.
What is it with these twats and their mobile phones?
Trying to copy coconut Kurt?
Probably makes them look busy.
Has the coconut got a patent on that pose?
In the 1960s holding a land-line phone of the bulky dial-up kind to your face was a popular pose in photos, for politicians and pop singers.
To show us that like Franco Debono’s phone, his also rings
No, desperately trying to emulate Stefan Buontempo when he comes to collect his son from school in Swatar. (Buontempo is generally ignored by the dozens of parents at the school gates, and invariably uses his mobile phone as a prop.)
PL has Abela Baldacchino as an MEP:
It seems that up till a couple of years ago she was a clerk at the Trade Department.
An apple does not fall far from the tree
Clint for Europe!
Ittelfuhx miskin ghax bhalissa qieghed fuq il-tele-cell.
Well, people voted to have the youngest prime minister, and look where that.got them, and us.
seta’ libes glekk, le?
Qed jiehu selfie ta’ widintu.
Who’s he swearing at on the phone?
So what if he’s the youngest? Mhux xorta ghad jigi xi hadd jikkuntesta ta eta’ zghira xi darba, bhalma gie issa?
Mhux dejjem trid tkun over l erbghin biex issir matur bizzejjed ghal politika aktar serja. U nahseb ahjar tfittxu fuq Amelia Andersdotter, MEP of sweden li ghandha 26 years bhal Clint qabel tparlaw.
You must be a Labour thickhead to not realise that the whole argument actually does centre around, to quote “your good self”, “So what if he’s the youngest?”
MLP is doing a huge mistake promoting the young ones! Mr. Camilleri is doing nothing for the people of Qala. So Will he do anything in Europe?
I’d gladly vote for him if he was the smartest MEP Candidate 2014 instead.
Liebes qmis smart :) lookin sExy hoN LOLz XXX
Line-up stellari, Ciccio. Kif tista’ ma tivvutax?
Why is Clint Camilleri pitching his future and his career in with that of a loser?
Has he thought this through from all angles? Better, to step out now, and lead in the future, than to bend over backwards to please and get nowhere fast.
Does he really want to back Joseph Muscat, who has no sound values?
26 is too young to be used and maybe already too old for objective reassessment.