You really must listen to this

Published: January 19, 2014 at 4:28pm

27 Comments Comment

  1. CIS says:

    I really admire Robert Metsola. My number-one vote is going to her, and I hope many, many others will do the same.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    A few conditions must have been put to Joseph Cuschieri before his own candidature is approved for the next EP elections.

    I think Roberta Metsola is doing a superb job.

    • Lixandrin says:

      Somebody should ask him what happened to his master’s degree …

    • Angus Black says:

      Chances are he will not need approval for his candidature. Looks like the plan is to step aside in order to make room for Alfred Sant and for which he will be rewarded with a very attractive position. He will repeat what he had already done for the current leader.

  3. Bubu says:

    Mela mhux Briguglio, il-habib tal-qalb ta’ Cassola kien li ried partit tax-xellug fil-gvern?

    Issa dar il-pinnur?

    • D. Borg says:


      You should define that as ‘Objectivity with NO strings attached’.

      Something which both the PN and now especially the PL, find it impossible to achieve.

  4. Earnest says:

    She’s brilliant.

  5. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ahna ma’ Dr Roberta Metsola li ghandha l-kuragg, ghandha l-fibra imma fuq kollox GHANDHA LEJALTA LEJNA LKOLL.

    Taghmel xogholha ghall-interess taghna l-Maltin.

    Irrid nghid li l-lista ta’ kandidati Nazzjonalisti ghall-Parlament Ewropew hi wahda li ggieghel lil min jahseb liema minn dawn iz-zwiemel ser jinghazel. Kollha lesti, kollha kapaci ghall-korsa.

    Imiss lilna issa li nippuntaw il-voti taghna fuqhom U DIN ID-DARBA MA NAGHMLUX L-IZBALL TA’ MARZU 2013.

  6. anthony says:

    I fervently hope that Cuschieri is re-elected for Malta’s and the PN’s sake.

    He will serve as a constant reminder in the European Parliament of the PL’s and the Malta Government’s mediocrity.

    • Jozef says:

      Let’s make it four PN MEPs shall we?

      I mean it’s not as if Labour needs MEPs to participate in that parliament right?

    • Tarzan says:

      We all agree that Cuschieri is a complete idiot, certainly not fit to be an MEP.

      His question to David Casa in the European Parliament last Wednesday is proof enough.

      I say that we need to have the best people to represent us. So my hope is that the next Labour MEPs will be more suited for the job.

      • one of us says:

        I’d love to know who writes his articles in the English-language papers, because he certainly doesn’t.

    • Angus Black says:

      My guess is that he will not run, most probably because he has already cut a deal with Joseph for some high profile position, possibly an ambassadorship?

  7. caulkhead says:

    Roberta Metsola is the best.

  8. G says:

    Well, guess who just earned my vote?

  9. Volley says:

    Yes my number 1 will definitely go to Roberta Metsola. Crystal clear now.

  10. Kuka says:

    I think that both David Casa and Roberta Metsola are doing a brilliant job. It’s going to be a challenging job to choose between all the Nationalist candidates running for MEP.

  11. Nik says:

    The position of the Labour Party in the Group of European Socialists is becoming increasingly untenable. With Alfred Sant joining their ranks from May this year, I can’t see how he can possibly sit with this avowedly federalist party. Perhaps he could join their natural allies of UKIP and Front National.

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I don’t wish to open a new front in the war, but will AD still be surreptitiously supporting Labour in 2018?

  13. xmun says:

    Speaking of Deborah Schembri, why, merely a year into her new political career, does she already want to opt of the Maltese parliament? Is there something else we should be asking?

    • M. Cassar says:

      Many raised an eyebrow when she ran on the PL ticket last March. It seems that they had assessed the fit between her and that Party well.

  14. Joe Fenech says:

    Cassola is wrong to suggest a referendum.

  15. Edward says:

    Roberta Metsola is fantastic! That is what we need right now, at a time when Malta has to deal with a PM who manipulates people like nobody’s business: a woman who understands how certain men are, how they flirt, and how to knock those tactics to the ground.

    Straight men might find themselves disarmed when facing a flirt like Muscat. They don’t quite know what is going on because, as straight men, they have never had to deal with the likes of people like him.

    However, straight women and gay men, who have to deal with sleazebags like that a lot, have the necessary skills to undercut such false charm and grab the situation by the balls and send a chill through right through the spineless losers. Men like them are actually very weak, and it doesn’t take much to get rid of them once they know you mean business.

    Whenever I meet men like Muscat, I always think “psychopath”, and walk away from them before their bad news becomes my bad news.

  16. magic kiosk says:

    Joseph, it is going to be you who will lose the EP seat and not Roberta.

    You can hardly pronounce correctly anything that is not Maltese, and when it comes to English you are even worse.

    The only problem for you now is that Magic Kiosk has been closed down by the dreadful Nationalists and Joseph Muscat is not about to give you back the seat which you so gracefully gave up to accommodate him.

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