Carnival tender offer period opens and closes in just an hour
All together now: Taghna Lkoll…taghna lkoll.
The call for tender offers for the organisation of carnival is generally out in January, but this year, until last Friday, there was no word of it.
The Nationalist Party’s newsroom rang Jose Herrera’s (he’s the carnival PS) office last Friday and was told that the reason for the delay was that the tender could not be issued “until it was published in the Government Gazette”, and that the call for offers had actually opened a few minutes ago.
But it had not, in fact, been published in that week’s Government Gazette, leading to questions about the tender call’s legality.
People who went along to collect tender documents that same afternoon, to put in their offers, were told that Jose Herrera’s office had already received three offers and so the call for offers had closed already – around an hour after it had opened.
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U iva, min ma lahaqx din id-darba baqalu zewg Karnivalijiet ohra fis-sena biex jittanta xortih.
Herrerata par excellence.
Herrera erratum est
Herrera haratum est.
If, as Net News reported, there was a major clash between the PS and his staff, the latter apparently piloted by Jason Micallef leading to this mess, Herrera has no other alternative than to hand in his resignation.
It certainly cannot get worse. H*xi even in a small tender, so why are certain people surprised when a tender like the power station one was not fixed.
No problem, we were promised three more carnivals per year, so everyone will have a chance of tendering sooner or later.
Lanqas jisthu… The least they could do is to try and give a semblance of giving others a chance…
All in the name of efficiency and.cutting down on the red tape I suppose.
Red tape matters; it prevents this type of abuse.
That tender is null: it wasn’t announced on the Government Gazette, the number of offers received does not automatically preclude others and the period of time allowed for submissions wasn’t defined nor can it be restricted to the single working day.
Heq, it has to be Labour. Same old story.
Don’t blame Herrera, instructions to open and close the tender within the hour from the OPM.
Leaks on the increase lately.
I have interests in following the tendering process and quite often I come across tenders which have to be submitted within a mere day from their issue. One would barely have time to pick up the document or download it, fill it up and submit it – unless one has inside information.
I have noticed that certain tenders seem to be tailor made for particular companies. I wonder why certain details/specifications have been included in the tender document, and can only conclude that it has been designed in such a way that only one, predetermined supplier can satisfy the requirements and win the tender.
Tenders sometimes also include a maximum bid value with phrases such as “offers over €xxxx will not be considered” – a value which would leave no commercial profit or return. Whoever wins the tender must therefore have another “source of profit” to make the tender supply viable.