It’s not only friends, lackeys, spouses, in-laws, party apparatchiks, ex PN knaves and Super One reporters: they’re also giving THEMSELVES state-paid appointments

Published: February 16, 2014 at 9:14am
Joe Debono Grech stands between Prime Minister Dom Mintoff, now mercifully dead as otherwise he would have been a government consultant too, and Karmenu Il-Guy Vella, resurrected as Muscat's tourism minister, in this 1970s photograph taken at a Labour Party mass meeting.

Joe Debono Grech stands between Prime Minister Dom Mintoff, now mercifully dead as otherwise he would have been a government consultant too, and Karmenu Il-Guy Vella, resurrected as Muscat’s tourism minister, in this 1970s photograph taken at a Labour Party mass meeting.

The Sunday Times reports this morning that Joe Debono Grech, who has been a Labour member of parliament since the 1960s, has had his old-age pension and MP’s remuneration bolstered with an appointment as ‘consultant on public works’ to the Gozo Minister, Twanny Bronka.

It was not the Gozo Minister but the “Office of the Prime Minister” that took the decision, the newspaper reports. When Muscat was elected party leader almost six years ago, Debono Grech threw a massive hissy fit and stormed out of the party machine. There was then a public reunion, with Debono Grech hugging Muscat and crying while the latter smirked and glowed, and Muscat has been molly-coddling his ego ever since.

Joe Debono Grech is 74 and was a cabinet minister in the Mintoffian era.

The Gozo Ministry told The Sunday Times that he will be paid “under €12,000 annually”, which almost certainly means €11,999 give or take a couple of euros. But that is hardly the point here.

13 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    These people never have enough. They want to die rich and take it with them to the after-life.

  2. observer says:

    Are you talking about the chap’s Social Security pension, or the very generous Members of Parliament pension.

    If such is the case (or both of them together) any bolstering as has now been afforded him is outright OBSCENE.

    Any whimpering about the mis-planned (and fully repaid) increase of 600 euros per week now dwindles into the absurd.

  3. Pablo says:

    You have to admire their zeal in looting of the public purse.

  4. Wilson says:

    The name of the person on the lower left?

    [Daphne – Guze Cassar, another Labour minister of the period.]

  5. Carmelo Micallef says:

    Literally putting bums on seats

  6. Felix says:

    Sewwa jaghmlu! They were wise before, now they are even more.

    Their election campaign was not anything outstanding. They just knew who they were addressing and passed the message in the language the switchers wanted to hear.

    Now they know that those idiots who voted for them, and gave them so much power, cannot do anything. So they bulldoze according to the power and strength those stupid idiots gave them. And the power they gave them is a lot.

  7. When Lawrence Gonzi made changes to the remuneration received by ministers and other members of parliament soon after winning his last general election, I was one to criticise openly the manner in which this was done.

    One can see that he must have been aware that the measure would be criticised and aimed at giving it a low profile.

    There is nothing of the sort with Joseph Muscat. He has no scruple to hand out financial benefit to his team, in one shape or another, far superior in cash and brazenness, to that given by Gonzi.

    Will the electorate accept this?

  8. makjavel says:

    Joe Debono Grech will take his talents to Gozo and give the locals some quick cultural linguistic training.

  9. John Higgins says:

    Miskin being a die hard socialist and living on a pension he is near/ beneath the poverty line and so needs some extra dosh.

  10. nemesis says:

    I loved the justification for the job: to ensure that public employees in Gozo turn up for work. On the same pro rata reasoning Malta merits another 12 such consultants.

    I’m surprised Paul Pace of MUMN has not yet issued directives as this surely is an insult to his members in Gozo but perhaps I write too soon.

  11. The saint says:

    Debono Grech gej Ghawdex bhala wieghda biex izid id-devozjoni ghal Santa Liena

  12. Gaetano Pace says:

    He used to lead the Brigata Laburista at one time as they beat on their drums and marched down main streets.

    Will the Gozitans now make him beat the retreat down the Main Street in Victoria or will they prefer to be whip-lashed for not reporting for work on time?

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