Marlene Mizzi is still complaining about how stressful life is as a member of the European Parliament
February 6, 2014 at 10:48pm
It takes the poor thing “9.5 hours” to get home to Malta from Strasbourg. She has to drive to the train station, take a train to the airport, wait around a bit and then get on a plane.
She sounds like the president of the republic, briefing the Community Chest Fund board about Darleen Zerafa’s exhausting flight connections.
That’s why it’s best not to leave this sort of thing until you’re 60, but try telling Mrs Mizzi that. In any case, she probably always liked a bit of a kvetch, even at 30.
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What does Marlene Mizzi’s message have to do with the open letter to President Schulz?
She is obviously also stupid enough to hit Reply All instead of just Reply.
Then go to Los Angeles and sell passports there, Marlene. You can be Joseph’s special envoy.
That’s inviting a collision between her and Marisa Micallef.
Goodness. If she hasn’t learnt to optimise dead-time spent travelling by now, she’ll never learn.
Is she feeling guilty about something?
It’s what thousands – or is it millions? – do as a matter of course. The fact that her comments are so pitiful, and obliviously made before the international community, are the real embarrassment.
One deals with it, or does the obvious.
All in a day’s work.
This babe is seriously off the rails.
‘Babe’ is pushing it, Harry, unless you yourself are 90. Marlene Mizzi is 60 next birthday: bus-pass time.
Are these the e-mails she sends out to fellow politicians? Is she so brainless as to not understand that she comes across as a complete prat?
Oh my, poor thing. Let’s scramble a Harrier for her.
The car, two trains, the plane…
Can’t Manwel Mallia send her a “bozza tal-plastik” to carry her from Strasbourg to Malta direct?
Who did we send to represent us in Europe? Paris Hilton?
Stupid woman.
To save her from all these troubles I will not vote for her and she should be grateful.
I had that in mind, back in 2009 or whenever, when I did not vote for her predecessor. Neither he, nor Marlene herself, ever sent a word of thanks, however.
@ MIZZI Marlene
… Planes, trains and automobiles – next time ask for Steve Martin’s hand…x’ purcinellismu.
“Such a hassle” ?! … oh dear, oh dear
You all have to excuse Mrs Mizzi. She is used to having a judge’s chauffeur-driven car take her and her toys everywhere.
That pretty sums up all the work she does then, getting to and from train stations and airports.
I think she’s making a case for helicopter transport.
With typical Maltese small-minded insularity, Marlene Mizzi complains about anything which is outside and beyond her Maltese experience. Like so many others, she lives in a cocoon and is afraid of the world outside Malta.
Instead of admitting, at least to herself, that she is not fit for the job, she airs her grievances and gives voice to her discomfort. If she finds travelling to and from Strasbourg so stressful, then it’s no wonder she ranked so low in the European Parliament participation stakes.
One can easily be kind to her and help her avoid all this stress…by not voting for her this May.
Brazen to the hilt.
Marlene Mizzi at a Round Table organised by the EP Malta Office this morning:
“There is a lot of misinformation regarding EU funds”
At least now she had the time to see and appreciate Strasbourg.
Instead of teaming up against this poor soul, why don’t you you all pitch in and buy her a children’s puzzle book to while away her flying and train time?
Doesn’t she know what she has to do if she cannot stand the heat?
Moaners are soooo annoying.
It`s time Labour supporters voted her into a well-deserved retirement, now that she has borne so much, the poor soul. A spell or relaxation and basking in the sun will see her smoothly out of her toils and pains.
You’d be just as stressful if you had to travel back to Malta via Mauritania, Lady Deafley.
Or was it Mauritius?
Xorta, anyway. Mhux sew, miskina, minn fuq.
Iz-zmien qed jaghmel tieghu, Marlene. Tridha ta’ teen imma mintiex.