Please read this, wake up, and ask yourself whether this is the change for which you voted

Published: February 15, 2014 at 10:00pm

Mark Sammut

And if the change for which you voted was not rising unemployment and a general slowdown, then move out of the denial stage and into anger and do something to hold the government to account before it rapidly becomes too late to reverse this process.

Selling passports to 1,800 applicants and their families for a billion euros is not going to solve anything, especially not if that money is going to be spent on a socialist faux-Utopia of social housing for the rising number of jobless people.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Already too late, Daphne. So sad.

  2. P Shaw says:

    History repeats itself, doesn’t it?

    During the 80s, Malta experienced one of the worst recessions ever, while the economies of western Europe and the United States were booming.

    It was the era of Thatcher and Reagan for the normal world, while it was the era of Mintoff, Lino Spiteri, and KMB for unlucky and doomed Malta.

  3. Spiru says:

    By means of a decree of the 14th January, 2014 of the Civil Court First Hall, in the records of judicial letter number 3758/13, in the names Professor Albert Cilia Vincenti vs The Golden Shepherd Group Limited, the following publication was ordered for the purpose of effecting service in terms of Article 187 (5) of Cap. 12.

    In the First Hall of the Civil Court.

    Today 6th December, 2013.

    To The Golden Shepherd Group Limited, of St Philip’s Hospital, Santa Venera.

    By the present, Professor Albert Cilia Vincenti, (ID 654144M), of 44A, Main Street, Attard, ATD 1022, calls upon you to pay the sum of €99,535.57 representing money due to him for services he rendered and which you received, and this as it results in detail according to the document here attached and marked as Document A.

    The applicant further calls upon you so that you pay the sum of €23,255.81 granted to you on loan, and this as has been acknowledged by you according to the document attached and marked as Document B, and informs you that on this sum, interest has been running since the 8th March, 2004 and that is two years after the sum so loaned had to be paid according to Article 1078 of Cap. 16 of the Laws of Malta.

    Notwithstanding the fact that the applicant has called upon you to pay even by legal letters of 30 January, 2012 and 2nd February, 2012 attached herewith and marked Document C you have failed to pay.

    Therefore, in the event that you fail to pay the total amount of €122,971.38, together with interest within ten days from the date you receive this letter, the applicant will have no alternative but to initiate procedures against you without further notice.

    So much of your own guidance and to avoid further costs and procedures.

    With costs.

    Registry of the Superior Courts, today 7th February, 2014.

    For the Registrar Civil Courts and Tribunals

  4. ciccio says:

    Up to a few months ago, everyone was asking the “one thousand million euro” question: where is Joseph Muscat’s roadmap?

    Now we have it. It consists of a ‘wajs’ sale of 1,800 passports to Chinese, Azeri and other non-European main applicants, with their families in tow, for a total sum of at least “one thousand million” euros, while another 200 million euros are pocketed by Henley & Something in the form of commissions, due diligence fees, fast tracking extras, application costs and so on.

    Which explains Joseph Muscat’s view of economic growth: increased government spending.

    Nothing less than a central command economy. The economics of communism.

    Why is it that I see Mario Vella’s hand behind this brand of economics?

    But it is also an excellent example of Mintoffianomics: making money off the back of others, and then spend it in return for votes. Muscat has picked up exactly where Mintoff has left off.

    But what did we expect from a prime minister whose grandmother introduced him to politics at Mintoff’s mass rallies? The same man who never denied rumours about the exact role played by Mario Vella in his PhD thesis.

    Expect a government of handouts, subsidies, social benefits, free this and free that. And the return of “Dear Philip” letters to obtain one’s basic needs. Increased corruption.

    But this is not the way to drive initiative, ideas, innovation. It is precisely the way to kill all that. Another blow to private initiative.

    Soon we will have the government resorting to the fabbriki tal-kappar, korpi tad-dejma, Izra w Rabbi, Bahhar u Sewwi, in order to give the impression that unemployment is under check.

    • It-Tezi ta' Mario says:

      Mario Vella or Joseph Muscat?

      “In the manner of philosophy, which, in the words of Hegel, like the owl of Minerva takes flight at dusk, at the end of a civilisation’s highest moment, this study begins with an investigation of a phenomenon that emerges, globally and historically, at the end of Fordist epoch of capitalism, or, at least, at a time of Fordism in crisis.”
      The biographical note (PDF p. 161, section 4.3.1) references Mario Vella, and flatteringly references Anthony Giddens’ introduction to a book in which one of Vella’s essays appears.

  5. matt says:

    I was disappointed when the PN lost the election. Felt very bad for Malta and Dr. Gonzi who worked so hard to make the island a modern European state. To me it showed an ungrateful and ignorant public.

    Now that MLP is in government by the people’s choice, I am wondering what the people who voted for Labour are thinking seeing the economy going down the toilet. Long time ago I learned a recession is when my neighbour loses his job and a depression is when I lose my job.

    Muscat has been at the helm for the last eleven months and nothing good has come out for Malta. Yes, Labour’s inner circles are doing superbly well, but that is not the rest of the people.

  6. unhappy says:

    Or better yet, how much of that money is left after Henley Something’s group dipped their fingers into the cookie jar?

  7. Salvu says:

    The iron lady was right: “Labour doesn’t work”.

  8. Jozef says:

    Latest statistic after the two consecutive 8% decreases in production; FDI’s down by 550 million.

    Muscat’s biljun has just been halved.

  9. Kicked out says:

    I lost my job within months of PL coming to power because I did my duty as a government employee. It’s hard to feel sorry for those who wish you harm especially when you have a family to feed.

  10. Melissa says:

    Joseph Muscat is Malta’s greatest liability.

  11. Catsrbest says:

    I suggest that the PN bring out again two of their last election campaign billboards – namely the one showing the long queue of the unemployed and the Pinocchio billboard. Unfortunately, both of them are still greatly relevant to what is going on around us.

    • Calculator says:

      It’s hard not to admit that the foresight they show is incredible. Too bad some people will only realise this in hindsight.

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