Seven MEPs are sanctioned for describing Azerbaijan’s elections as free and fair. But the Speaker of Malta’s parliament goes unreprimanded because he’s not accountable.

Published: February 28, 2014 at 10:21pm

Malta Today_1

Speaker Anglu Farrugia described elections in Azerbaijan, which yielded a staggering 85% to incumbent autocrat Ilham Aliyev, “fair, democratic and transparent” during a meeting with his Azeri counterpart, Ogtay Asadov, after last week’s election.

– Malta Today, 22 October 2013

14 Comments Comment

  1. JLC says:

    Interesting. So Anglu Farrugia said that the elections in Azerbaijan are free and fair but he then he found gross irregularities in the 2008 election in Malta.

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    Maybe Farrugia read this story and was “worried”

    The links particularly that at the hyperlink “explored President Aliyev’s family’s Dubai real estate holdings” are very interesting.

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    Sorry to go off-topic but this is interesting.

    The pro-government media (including TVM) has made some fuss about Joseph Muscat being the first head of government to meet the new Italian Prime Minister.

    It turns out that it wasn’t true. This afternoon Matteo Renzi also met the Prime Ministers of Romania, Belgium and Austria.

    At 4.00 pm he met the PM of Romania, at 5.00 pm Joseph Muscat, then at 6.00 the PM of Austria and at 7.00 that of Belgium.

    So, even chronologically, Muscat wasn’t the first. Normally this would be meaningless but it becomes significant as it shows up once again the crudeness of government propaganda.

    Their lying is almost pathological. They need to lie even on something as minor as this.

    • ciccio says:

      Says that “If Azerbaijan were your home instead of Malta you would…use 51.87% less electricity.”

      That’s of course assuming that in the case you are the Maltese person, you are an honest individual, and not one whose name is on Joseph Muscat’s list of 1,000 persons who have corrupted public officials to obtain a tampered smart meter.

      Unless it is telling us that all Azeris are corrupt persons who have rigged their smart meters and are saving about 51% on their readings.

  4. La Redoute says:

    That was the election when the results were announced before votes were cast.

  5. An Estate Agent says:

    Courtesy of a friend on Facebook. Malta’s really nurturing dangerous bedfellows.

  6. Harry Purdie says:

    We have here, as the prison warden in ‘Cool Hand Luke’, said, we have ‘a failure to commuinicate.’

    Our ‘Speaker’, who roams the world, sanctioning corrupt elections, would have fitted right in. Illiterate, incompetent, and way out of his depth.

  7. qwerty says:

    Heh ma kkalkulawhx

  8. Foggy says:

    How likely is it that anyone will investigate why Anglu Farragia’s favourable report was also at variance with that of the OSCD? I am not holding my breath.

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