This is the communist dictatorship with which the Maltese government has gone to bed for money (or maybe there’s chemistry between them)

Published: February 5, 2014 at 9:56am

Sky News uploaded this video on YouTube 22 January, and I had uploaded it on this website. But some of you will have missed it, and that’s a shame. So here it is again.

Can you see why the Labour government relates to Chinese tactics? This is just the sort of thing of which Minister of the Interior Manuel Mallia and his sidekick Silvio Scerri would thoroughly approve. The rest of them too, though they keep quiet about it and stonewall journalists instead.

5 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    When that tent was erected at Mater Dei Hospital some weeks ago, a ‘security guard’ prevented journalists from taking pictures or filming the scene, even though they were in a public place and had every right (and duty) to do so.

    But those journalists did not do as this Sky News journalist did, and instead they acquiesced immediately and obediently stopped, returning to base.

    I guess that is why the same reporters/cameramen took Dr Karol Aquilina with them to the airport when they hurried there to report on the Chinese billionaire and his Italian ‘bodyguard’ on getting wind of the ‘passport’ incident.

  2. zz says:

    The last people who interfered with the reporter were not “official people”. I can well imagine the same thing happening here with Labour thugs replacing those “official people” … actually it would be a “back to the future” moment where once upon a time Labour thugs used to “assist” the Maltese Police Force (aka SAG).

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    Did the Chinese police offer to buy the film too?

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    The bullfrog would have had Mark Stone roughed up and bundled off within thirty seconds.

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