Top comments posted today on the subject of the national celebrations

Published: February 16, 2014 at 7:33pm

Posted by Gaetano Pace:

To make the celebration really authentic, Brian May should be greeted with an array of placards saying BRITISH GO HOME.

Posted by ken il malti:

They should have chosen The Beatles song “Back in the USSR”. It would have been more appropriate.

British go home


20 Comments Comment

  1. silvio farrugia says:

    Dear Daphne was the Nationalist government asleep ? How come, it had to be now that the corruption in the smart meters was uncovered? Also the ‘oil’ scandal. I just wonder how many more corruption is going to be unearthed.We all knew that we are riddled with corruption. The greatest ironic laugh was when one heard a minister or sec.saying that because of his’conscience’ he can not vote ‘yes’ for divorce…then we knew all.

    • canon says:

      The relation between Henley & Partners and Joseph Muscat is pointing to a Muscatgate.

    • M. Cassar says:

      Oh yes, thank goodness, everything now is so clean and pure:

      ”The decision, taken by the Office of the Prime Minister, will mean the 74-year-old MP, Joe Debono Grech, will be paid extra over his parliamentary honorarium and pension. The Gozo Ministry confirmed he has been recruited as a consultant with a salary of “under €12,000 annually”. Mr Debono Grech declined to comment.” The Sunday Times 16, February, 2014

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Wait for it, Silvio. The robber hamalli have become the robber barons.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Lest one forget

      Toni Abela and Wenzu Mintoff resigned their posts in protest to the presence of certain elements in the Labour Party. That were, political violence and corruption. For this Abela was expelled from the Labour Party.

      “I told Guido (DeMarco): ‘Do you think I’m happy operating with half a Parliament, and most of it is corrupt?

      Dr Micallef says he was fully conscious of the reputation of the more notorious members of the Socialist regime. Asked whether he ever did anything to confront the people he believed to be corrupt within his party, he says:

      “I kicked (former Works Minister) Lorry Sant out of Parliament after he insulted me. Despite Mr Mintoff’s request to call him back in, I refused. I chased after him, calling him corrupt.”

      How could he relate to his colleagues, some of whom were acting like thugs?

      “Maybe I wasn’t mature enough? Maybe I could have worked in a different manner?” he ponders.

      Daniel Micallef (MLP)

      Big contractors and businessmen were getting too close to the Labour Party, former deputy leader Anġlu Farrugia reveals.

      Dr Farrugia says he fears the PL was changing its core values from a party which mainly represents the working class to one which felt too comfortable with big businessmen, adding he knows contractors who were close with individuals involved in Labour’s finances.

      Anglu Farrugia (MLP)

    • Felix says:

      Dear Silvio – corrupt people are a totally different thing from a corrupt government or corrupt politicians.

      If you are following the oil scandal, there has not been one link with the government, no matter how much they threw mud at Austin Gatt.

      Even now, the smart meters scandal has nothing to do with either party in government. We can credit the PN government at least for changing the old meters to the smart meter.

      Why do people keep on mixing people being corrupt on their own behalf with the government of the day? As if there will one day be pure people thanks to a government. If any government promises that, then it would be that same government that would be corrupt.

      • Alf says:

        According to Wikipedia “Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement. Corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and human trafficking, though is not restricted to these activities.”

        So here we have it that “cronyism” (the practice of appointing friends to high-level, esp political, posts regardless of their suitability) is a form of corruption.

        Am I dreaming or have we seen and heard since March 2013 of numerous appointments of friends (including family members) to high-level posts regardless of their suitability? Is, therefore, whoever appointed these people corrupt?

    • Toni Borg says:

      Dear Silvio,

      Much has been said in the oil scandal but so far, no ex-minister or political person has been named and shamed. So next time you shout corruption, make sure you know what it means.

      Perhaps like that Enemalta official who was appointed by Konrad Mizzi as his spokespan also giving him an allowance without seeking the PSC’s approval? That is corruption Silvio. You name and shame u bil-provi u mhux bil-paroli man!

      If you know we are riddled with corruption, instead of being ironic and stupid, just go to the authorities and report this corruption we are so riddled with.

      Ghax biex nifthu halqna u nitfaw il-hmieg, intom tal lejber l-ewwel tiehdu, imma meta tigu ghal provi taraw fejn sa tmorru tistahbew!

    • Manuel says:

      Mr. Farrugia, you left out the important facts.

      Dr. Muscat the PM gave a golden handshake to Dr. Muscat the Leader of the PL costing our pockets 10 million euros. How’s that for corruption? This is corruption, mind you, even if it is done under a “legal” semblance.

      What about the jobs “created” and not generated for the red yes boys and girls?

      What about the jobs give to Super One journalists and presenters, all paid by the tax payer?

      What about the car-rent-scheme where the Private Citizen Joseph Muscat leases his own private car to the PM Muscat?

      Indeed, what about the Shame Scheme of Passport Sale, conceived and planned in secrecy and kept away from the public till last September?

      Yes, Mr. Farrugia, the PL is as clean as a little baby’s bottom.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      In Malta, corruption is endemic – no party is clean. Simply under Labour things get worse and more folkloric. One must also bear in mind the promises of clean politics, meritocracy and justice that Labour trumpeted prior to its election.

  2. Felix II says:


    Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
    Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
    Oh I believe in yesterday.

    Lennon & McCartney

  3. Spock says:

    Does the Nationalist Party have to wait until after the results of the MEP elections to start taking a strong and significant Eddie -style stand against this systematic dismantling of all that we hold dear in this country ?

  4. Aunt Hetty says:

    Bravo. What a splendidly-written and truthful article this was.

    It would seem that in so -called capitalist Malta, property owners have no human rights.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    At present, the most significant Beatles lyrics would be:

    “…I’m going to Strawberry Fields
    Nothing is real
    And nothing to get hung about
    Strawberry Fields forever

    Living is easy with eyes closed
    Misunderstanding all you see
    It’s getting hard to be someone
    But it all works out
    It doesn’t matter much to me”

  6. silvio farrugia says:

    For the information to the guy who said ‘inthom il-laburisti’I have not voted Labour since ‘Tal-Barrani’ incidents.

    I only did not vote Nationalist (and neither Labour ..I voted Green) this election. 36 thousand believed that they needed a kick in the backside. My difference is that I did not trust Labour either.

    • Calculator says:

      And yet, by voting Green, you helped Labour get into power nonetheless. So you may not have trusted Labour, but you entrusted our country to them nonetheless. So thanks a lot for that; quite the reward we’re getting for your ‘kick in the backside’.

    • Salvu says:

      Ghamilt bhal Pilatu.

    • Catsrbest says:

      But I am at liberty not to believe you either – in fact I do not. I am convinced you voted Labour out of jealousy and ‘hekk hu go fik’ reasoning.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    They should have chosen this and be done with it:

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