NOW UPDATED WITH PHOTOGRAPH/Valentine’s Day special: Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s love plane

Published: February 15, 2014 at 7:23pm
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and his MCST personal assistant, Lara Boffa, checking in for the Air Malta flight to Catania yesterday, Valentine's Day.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and his MCST personal assistant, Lara Boffa, checking in for the Air Malta flight to Catania yesterday, Valentine’s Day.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was spotted on the Air Malta flight to Catania yesterday, accompanied by his personal assistant at the Malta Council for Science and Technology, Miss Lara Boffa.

As her employer, did he approve her leave of absence from work, or did she take up some of her statutory holiday leave entitlement?

This is exactly the sort of reason why such employer/employee entanglements are not allowed (but then we are not talking normality here).

15 Comments Comment

  1. liverpool f.c, says:

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn irsista ghad-divorzju s-sur jeffrey! Ihobb ibiddel u jipprova.

  2. Matthew S says:

    Are they brainless or just callous?

    Couldn’t they come up with something a little more low-key to do? It’s not like there were thousands of these ‘love planes’. Getting spotted and talked about was unavoidable.

    I wonder what the other employees of the Malta Council for Science and Technology (not to mention Jeffrey’s wife and ex-wife) think about all this.

    [Daphne – They weren’t on the actual Air Malta love plane, which flew on a heart-shaped course and landed back in Malta. They were on the scheduled flight to Catania. But yes, neither of them is particularly intelligent and both are callous. Also, they would have done it precisely to be talked about, otherwise they would have stayed home or travelled separately.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The other employees just acquiesce and go on the defensive if anyone questions their boss. They’ve been doing it for donkey’s years.

    • A. Charles says:

      I was on the flight and I hope my colleague in dentistry, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, does not think that I took the photo.

      [Daphne – I am happy to confirm that you did not.]

      I saw the pair on the bus that took us to the plane and he did not acknowledge my presence. This did not affect my psychological balance as I had a good night’s sleep as usual when I am away from Malta.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Catania. How romantic.

    I look forward to seeing their offspring in power in a couple of decades or so. Should be an interesting combination of genes.

  4. ciccio says:

    “A delegation from the MCST on a Valentine’s Day visit to Catania.”

  5. Gordon says:

    What colour are his trousers this time?

  6. Nik says:

    Attakk fahxi u moqziez fuq San Valentinu

  7. Adrian says:

    Maybe Jeffrey took her to the flea market, a very romantic place to be.

  8. Air Malta Taghna Lkoll says:

    Jeffrey and his bird went to stay with that piece of work, Jean Paul Mifsud, at Colline del Barbuto.

  9. vanni says:

    JPO(S) should mind the old adage that it is unseemly to boff the hired help.

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